October 7, 2020
B.H. James Reid has been presented as the spirit who will help me to write today. Welcome James, it’s good to be with you today.
J.R. Thank you, Brian. It’s also a pleasure to be with you today. How are you doing?
B.H. I am good.
J.R. But you could be better you think. That kind of thinking is quite common on the Earth with the mortals living there. If only people would focus on what they have rather than what they don’t or what they are wishing for they would be much happier.
B.H. Sometimes focusing on the lack is helpful so that we can make plans to have whatever it is we are lacking. If I am lacking money, I need to figure out how to get it. If I am lacking health, I need to figure out how to better preserve or attain better health.
J.R. These things are true, but you will have better luck if you give these problems over to God’s hands by your prayers and spend only a few moments thinking about how you can fix them. The time you spend trying to figure them out is almost wasted time if you do too much of it considering God will work on the problem for you and place before you solutions after you ask in your prayers for help.
B.H. I have heard this said many times. I guess it just takes more faith, more giving it over to God.
J.R. That’s exactly right, Brian. Your responsibility is to recognize when a situation presents itself as a solution to your problem and then following up on it. There is where your work and your time and effort need to be focused. You do have work to do. God is not going to do your work for you, but He can make it easy for you to know what your effort should be focused upon, what your path should be. When you pray for a job, He doesn’t do the work does He? You do the job; He places the opportunity before you. Many times, people pray for something and they are given a solution but they don’t recognize it as a solution or they don’t like the solution. But it doesn’t mean that God didn’t answer their prayer and place an opportunity or solution in front of that person. And of course, everyone has free will and you can choose what you want to do and you can choose which opportunities you will take advantage of.
B.H. I will give these problems to God then and let Him present solutions. But what if I don’t recognize something as a God-given solution?
J.R. You can ask God about a specific solution or opportunity and whether it is the path that He placed before you. You will receive clarification and or reinforcement if it is. Perhaps the issue will keep coming up, that sort of thing. Pestering you until you accept it, but only if you see an issue and ask about it. Give it attention. Prayer is really rather magical sometimes. Keep up the good work, Brian. Thank you for calling me to work with you today as is always my pleasure and honor. God’s blessings to you.
B.H. Thank you, James. God bless you as well.