April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
B.H. Hi James (Reid), how are you doing? I thank you for coming today.
J.R. Hello, Brian. I am well. How are you today?
B.H. I am better. Coronavirus is a factor in our psyches these days, but Mary gave a good message yesterday and prayer and meditating helps too.
J.R. I’m glad Mary was able to remind you of the situation regarding this disease. I don’t think we need to cover it unless you’re still concerned about something.
B.H. I am definitely better, thank you, James. I don’t have anything new to ask on that front.
J.R. Good. We can concentrate on getting you more situated with your desired work then. First of all, I appreciate your renewed desire to return to mediumistic writing which was actually sparked by rereading Judas’s message from some months prior. As he says, this endeavor would be worth your while and on the Divine Love Path. Additionally, you have made the decision to go ahead and update the Thankfulness book and publish it, and I believe this is a good idea as it will let people know, in what they believe are dire times, that there are still things to be grateful for. These are two things in the near-term which you can focus on and which relate to your long-term goal of being a channel in some way for God’s Divine Love on Earth. (interruption)
B.H. I agree, James that these two ideas are good. And I will also try to go to Alex Hermosillo’s healing course later this spring if it is still happening since I would like to include healing in my future plans.
J.R. That’s fine, Brian. Healing is compatible with the other two things. You would be a fine healer having compassion as you do for other people and their pain. I can’t say whether that class will be canceled. It depends on what your politicians do and how the disease course runs.... Anyway Brian, thanks for finishing this message. I am hopeful at your efforts to progress seeing you come here for practice these last few days and deciding upon action in some other endeavors too. Good luck to you there. You have my love and prayers for safety.
B.H. Thank you so much for your help, James.