April 16, 2023
John the Baptist: Hello, Brian. It is I, John the Baptist. Thank you for bringing me to speak with you today. Many of us attended your online Circle of Light today and these are very great attractors of spirits, angels, not to mention the people who are online with you in the mortal form. So any success you see onscreen, on your computers, it is ten times that here in the spirit world. And there is a feeling of sacredness to these times and I am glad that you have started to participate in more of these prayer sessions, not that praying alone isn't good enough to receive the Divine Love - it is. But praying with other people, with other souls increases the amount of Divine Love that you receive and multiplies the amount of Divine Love that everyone participating in the circle receives, and that is not limited to just you there in the mortal form but to we in the spirit and angelic forms. There is more Divine Love to be had and to be shared in this Circle of Light, and that's why it's good to see your Circle of Lights growing and I am glad that you are participating in this growth. It is good for your soul and all who participate.
Jesus comes to these Circles of Light more often than he used to because he sees the growth that is occurring as far as these Circles of Light and their propagation throughout the Earth and your cybersphere and he knows that supporting these Circles of Light with his presence will not only bring more people on your plane to these Circles of Light, but will bring more spirits in the lower planes to them. And frankly, those of us in the Celestial Spheres can never have enough of hearing Jesus's wisdom and truths expressed, and so more of us, perhaps, show up to these circles than would otherwise. It is an all-around blessing and we do encourage these circles to keep happening, to keep propagating, that is more circles should come to light, more participation in the circles that exist should happen, and more souls should be brought to these circles to participate and enjoy the benefits that are received from participating in these Circles of Light. We've already mentioned the benefit of receiving more of God's Divine Love into your soul, but because you have angels praying with each of you individually, and you have angels surrounding you and gathered in a spiritual Circle of Light in connection with this Circle of Light, the material one, because of that you are receiving magnified Divine Love and also the love that the angels can transfer to the spirits of humans in the flesh and to the spirits of lower spheres.
All participants in these circles' frequencies are raised and gifts of the soul are stoked by this higher frequency into small flames or even big flames and these gifts may blossom because of these prayers and because of the environment in the Circles of Light may blossom into small flames, may blossom into big flames. And gifts may sooner become actuated in your lives as a result of this higher frequency, as a result of the shared experience between God, the angels, the spirits, and those of you in mortal form on the Earth.
So it is not necessarily because gifts are being distributed to you all during this time, it is more that the gifts that you have already been gifted by God are sparking into existence, sparking into activity. And those flames may continue after the Circle of Light is closed or they may be tamped down by the material world and the concerns of the mortal life. But just know that there is the benefit of increased access to these gifts. And the more that you put yourself into high spiritual situations, such as these Circles of Light, the sooner will you have access to these gifts that God has already gifted you with.
We Celestial Angels and spirits of the Divine Love Path are very joyous when we see the coming together of all these souls into these circles and it is prayers answered for us. Jesus is joyous because of this, and all of his apostles and disciples are just as joyous. Every Celestial Angel is joyous at the blossoming of these Circles of Light. We hope and we know and we pray that they will continue to gain in strength. And we thank God for whatever has brought them about and for whatever is propagating them. We pray that they will continue to grow and blossom.
Keep up the good work there. Keep up the prayers. Keep up your fellowship with those on the Divine Love Path and those that you want on the Divine Love Path.
In the early days of Christianity, when Jesus walked on the Earth amongst us, what existed was a fellowship - love between people who had love for God and who knew that God had love for them. Unfortunately fellowship became religion, and religion became church, and church and religion became one and the same. And fellowship, while there is some fellowship involved in religion and church, it does not have the focus that it should have. But you all are bringing back the fellowship, the fellowship that started with Jesus travels through Palestine.
God bless you all in your efforts. Keep the fellowship alive. Keep the fellowship growing. Keep sending your prayers for Divine Love high above your heads into the Heavens where God can hear them and we will be praying by your side. God bless you all. Thank you for hearing me today. I am one known as John the Baptist. God bless you.