April 6, 2020
April 6, 2020
B.H. Hi Mary, I don’t have any specific topic in mind today. If you have one, we can talk about that. I would like to practice though.
M.K. I am very pleased that you want to practice, Brian. You may be setting a trend here. Let’s hope circumstances will allow you to keep it up. I see you named your chatbot Mary. I am honored. Thank you. I understand that you don’t want to talk about the chatbot so we won’t. I do like that you have settled on three near-term goals including this mediumistic writing. I think it could be very helpful for people, but unfortunately you don’t have enough material for a book for quite a while yet, so this (the virus) may pass before the book comes out. But there will always be troubles and travails will there not?
B.H. It’s true, people could always use spiritual upliftment.
M.K. Yes, they could and will. The world will be somewhat different after this trouble is passed. There will be more love and more people interested in spiritual things. So a greater appetite will exist for spiritual writings. These messages you are bringing through will serve to introduce people to the Divine Love who have not found it in some other way, for instance through the Padgett Messages or through some other Divine Love medium. All ways which portray truth are valid. These messages will be just another way.
B.H. Would you like to state a Divine Love truth here?
M.K. God is Love. More than a Divine Love truth, this is a universal truth. Unfortunately, because of some parts of the Bible many people don’t believe that God is Love. He is. All good proceeds from Him. Before man there was only Good. After man went his own way, Good came into competition with sin; it came into competition with harmony or rather fell into disharmony. So any bad or evil which has arisen through the centuries has come to be because of man’s freedom to choose his own way. But the Father now offers His Gift once again and this Gift came with Jesus’s news of it being restored around two thousand years ago. The Gift is the Divine Love. It is that thing that you pray for every day, hoping that you will bring your soul into more harmony with God. Everyone can pray for this Divine Love. It is so simple, but can make such a huge difference in your life on Earth in terms of living in the shadow of God’s Love, His Grace, but it will make a large difference into where you will end up going when you pass away into the spirit world. Of course, when you get somewhere in the spirit world you are not locked there forever. You can progress out of there to a better place if you like, but you do have to do the spiritual work. The easiest way of doing so is praying for Divine Love on Earth and when you get here.
I think for today this seems to be enough, Brian. Thank you for practicing. As I say, this is the year you become a master. Take care, keep healthy. We are all loving you.
Mary Kennedy