April 7, 2021 (new 10/21)
B.H. Hello, Judas. I appreciate your coming to help me write today. It is always good to hear from you.
J.I. Hi, Brian. It is nice to be here and likewise a joy to come and help you with your work, which is our work together and the work of thousands of angels and humans. It is a growing movement.
B.H. Yes, Judas. I am feeling momentum. My Divine Love Messages web page gets some regular traffic and I see that other sources of Divine Love information seem to be making progress as well.
J.I. Indeed, Brian. Progress is being made on Earth amongst mortals and in spirit amongst spirits. There is only cause for joy as concerns our movement. I appreciate your renewed dedication, which I am sure will blossom into something beautiful. Though what you are doing presently is sufficient, I believe that more will present itself for you to do as an instrument for God on this planet.
B.H. I am ready, Judas. It is what I want.
J.I. You will get whatever it is that you want and expect, Brian. But I am happy with your fervent desire to improve your efficacy as an instrument for our Father.
B.H. I appreciate the confidence you have in me, Judas. I will endeavor to have it not be misplaced.
J.I. You will do fine, Brian. I know you are on the Path, almost firmly I would say. Keep praying and endeavoring to stay in the Light and we will keep making progress. I see that you are a little tired, so we will stop for today. Perhaps the typing is better functionally for taking messages as well. Writing on paper doesn’t appear to be your best method of transcription.
B.H. I agree, Judas. Thank you for your kind words and your confidence in me. I hope to speak to you again soon.
J.I. Yes you will, and until then, God bless you and keep you in His shadow of Love.
B.H. God bless you too, Judas. Thank you.