August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
I have not figured out who it is that will help me practice strengthening my rapport today... Let me close my eyes...
B.H. I think Jesus would like to help me with my rapport practice today. Hello my elder brother. Thank you, humbly, for coming to help me in my journey.
Jesus. You’re very welcome, Brian. It is in my interest as well as yours that I come to help you out and it is a pleasure besides to come help you on your journey. It is my mission to help those on the Divine Love Path to solidify their way there or to help those whom are seeking to find their way to the Divine Love Way. Then those who follow the Path and who are firmly on that particular journey will reach their hands out to those around them or at least model to those around them the Divine Love Way. So, my mission is clear and the mission of those on the Path is clear also, that is to ask for Divine Love from our Father to increase their soul health and to let other seekers know of the way that leads to harmony with the Father.
B.H. Thank you, Jesus. You always make things clearer when you come. I can’t express how honored I am, even though it is part of the overall mission you have, we have. I feel more a part of a mission when you explain it this way.
Jesus. Of course, you are part of the mission, Brian. We are happy to have you on board as we are any child of God who is serious about improving their soul health and moving to closer harmony with our Creator. Death is the beginning of the next step of each soul’s existence. You should not even call it death because you are just transitioning from one phase of life to another. Many people still have much work to do when they get to the Spirit World and they don’t land up in the best spheres in the Spirit World as a result of how they lived their lives. This is, of course, not permanent and they can improve their position at any time and move on to better spheres, but wouldn’t it be nice to start the process on Earth where, though we don’t want to say that it is necessarily easier to progress your soul on Earth, your environment on Earth may be better, may not reflect your true soul condition as it does when you get to the Spirit World, where there is no divorcing one’s soul condition from their place of existence, or residence. So someone may arrive in the Spirit World in what you may feel is a very oppressive environment, spiritually, because you are around like souls with similar faults, similar ugliness, and similar unpleasant surroundings, and when you get here, when someone gets here, they get depressed and overwhelmed and lose faith in God or get angry with God and their soul does not get worked on, rather it stagnates, and festers and these people sometimes wallow in these conditions with their similarly circumstanced friends, who support each other often negatively, for many years or decades. So if someone finds Divine Love on Earth as a mortal man or woman and they work on their soul development while they are alive in their corporeal body, their reward when they pass into spirit is to land up in a place that is much more pleasant and where they can continue their journey towards harmony with our Father in more pleasing conditions. Truly this is a great reward for the wayfarer and for me and the many of us on the Divine Love Path it is rewarding to see any progress people make knowing in our hearts that that soul progress will have concrete results resulting in them being happier and more blessed individuals. It is the mission of all missions if you want to put it that way. There is nothing more important in existence than the eventual happiness and reform of all souls. And it all starts from praying to the Father for the gift of His Divine Love to come into our souls and to replace the sin and error that we may have there with His essence. In my case, you ask, since I and other Celestial Angels do not have any more sin or error, then our souls are just added to with more Divine Love, more of the Father’s essence and being. No, we aren’t becoming more like God in the sense of gaining omniscience or omnipotence, but we are gaining soul powers, insights, knowledge, love, and joy. God is God and we are his creations and we can be more than the perfectly created natural man that was Adam and Eve and those of that like who live in the sixth sphere, very happily may I add. We can be more than that, but never like God in His capabilities but like God in our own capabilities.
I appreciate your hanging in with me today, Brian. I think you have displayed some good rapport today. Keep praying as always and know that we, your friends on this side are praying for you to advance in your soul growth and your efforts on this Path we share together. God bless you.