August 15, 2019

August 15, 2019 

B.H. I always seem to add more knowledge about God’s universe and Divine Love processes when I read The Judas Messages and it seems no matter how much I read that book I gain something useful for my spiritual progress. 

J.I. I am glad you find it useful, Brian. We conceived these messages, of course, to help mankind and they are doing so in a limited manner. And I don’t say limited in any way to deprecate the good they are doing. Many people have read these messages and believe because of them. But it is not on the scale of someone like Mr. Osteen yet. 

B.H. Can I introduce someone to the Judas Messages without the preliminary step of the Padgett Messages?  

J.I. It would be easier for someone to have context if they start with the Padgett Messages as you did. The Judas Messages are more complicated and someone reading them without the background or foundation of the Padgett Messages may have trouble believing the source of the messages without the prior knowledge provided by Padgett and his communicators. 

B.H. You are right. I will suggest Padgett Messages to anyone who wants to know about Divine Love and Jesus’s messages. 

J.I. The Judas Messages are upper level course selections if you think about it in terms of College courses. Many of the Padgett Messages are upper level too, but many are also foundational and lower level. It’s easy to see the difference and had to do with Mr. Padgett’s receptivity. 

B.H. Is there anything special about the way those who received the Pentecost received it? Do I not have faith approaching some of these men when they received it? I ask because that would help me to attain mediumship and healing or whatever other spiritual gift that I can use in my time left here on Earth. 

J.I. Faith, you ask. As you know, faith is an up one day down another day thing, more so when you are on Earth. Some days you have much and some days you have less. Bottom line is you need more up days, more faith-filled days than not to even begin to hope for a Pentecost like in-flowing of Divine Love. Keep up your prayers and you’ll get there, Brian, though I do not promise that you’ll receive a Pentecost while on Earth. It is very difficult and rare. 

B.H. I understand. Am I correct that this is Judas communicating? 

J.I. Yes, you are correct. It is I, Judas, a celestial angel and follower of our brother, friend and the master Jesus. I am interested in your efforts to extend your ability with the writing. Please do continue with this round of reading the Judas Messages as I think that will help you in your efforts with the writing. Your spirituality is enhanced when you read any of the Messages from Celestials and they also remind you to pray, which benefits you as well. Keep progressing as you are, Brian and we may be able to use you for more important communications. We shall speak again. Until then, God’s blessings to you and your family. 


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