August 17, 2020

August 17, 2020 

B.H. Hi Isabelle. It has been a long time since we have communicated. How are you? 

Isa. I am doing great, Daddy. If you like I can call you Father? 

B.H. Sure, Father would be fine. Maybe Brian. No, Father is good. 

Isa. I understand why you’re conflicted about it. I appreciate that you want to keep our connection in the forefront when we communicate so that our relationship is honored. Perhaps later on when we are comfortable in our familial relationship we can switch to first names. 

B.H. Yes thank you. In my meditation I expressed the hope of learning something today which I have no knowledge of, I guess that is something that would test my rapport. But now I think perhaps I am asking too much at my level of mediumistic skill. 

Isa. Let’s see what you can do as far as keeping your rapport high. The praying and meditating help to raise your frequency so that you are more able to communicate with higher spirits. I am in the Fifth Sphere now, so you are communicating with a higher spirit, not a Celestial Angel yet, but while I am not in a particular hurry to get there since I am enjoying the journey, I will be there probably before too long. Anyway, you are raised up enough in your frequency that I can hold a good rapport with you. Now, of course when you communicate with Jesus he is higher frequency than any spirit or angel, so you’d think rapport with him would be more difficult, but he is also more powerful in how the law of rapport works and is able to easily level himself to the situation. This is something that all Celestial Angels have skill at doing but you would expect Jesus to be the most adept at it and he is. Anyway, you are holding well with me today.  

BH. This is good information for me to know, thank you, Isabelle. Do you perhaps want to share with me what your situation is like now? 

Isa. Ok. I continue to live amongst people in what you would call a condominium as I like to be amongst friends and family. Bethany is one friend I have and she lives with me. We live on the third floor and use stairs to get up and down. There is no need for elevators here since we don’t get tired when moving about. I literally can transport myself from one place to another if I wanted to anyway. But since we don’t get tired, we often use the stairs. When I am coming back from another sphere where I may be doing work or visiting with someone, well, I just beam myself right into my home. Into whatever room I like. As a habit I do beam myself into the living room near the foyer/entryway. There is no door. It’s not needed as everyone respects one’s space and sometime need for private times. As far as noise from other condos is concerned, we can mute that within our own consciousness, so again the door is not necessary. No one nefarious can come from another sphere and enter our space because they are locked into their own sphere or lower. We relax, listen to music, read, we can watch what you would call videos, although they are much more immersive than that. Yes, we can play games like chess. Although in this sphere everyone has a similar intellectual ability concerning the playing of games so it is difficult for players to win. Think of the simple game that you know of, Tic Tac Toe. Most people there (on Earth) have the knowledge of the way to win and the way to forestall the other player from winning. This leads to no one winning most of the time unless someone loses their train of thought and makes a mistake. Well, that would be the same here, even with chess, except that losing train of thought and making a mistake are things that don’t happen too much. So we don’t spend a lot of time playing games. Talking yes, contemplating yes. 

BH. Can you fly? Rather than walking, can you hover over the land, fly to the other side of a lake? 

Isa. Yes, we are light in weight, spiritually compared to lower spheres and we can change form if we want to fly over an area. You could, if you wanted, stay in your human shape as a spirit and fly over a place, but it is preferable to shift to a small bright orb when you want to move around and above a place. It is habitual to do it this way. I don’t know, maybe because everyone else does it. Perhaps there are advantages, of course there are. The brightness of an orb is dependent upon the brightness of the spirit individual. Someone from the sixth sphere would be very bright, and from the Celestial Spheres brighter still. This is true of the spirit in bodily form and also of orb form. The spirits from the lowest spheres do not have the capability of shifting their forms and because they are heavier they cannot fly. Gravity is still a part of the spirit world as it is part of the universe and the universe is ordered and has laws. I think we have done well today, Father. Your rapport is getting better, much of which is due to intention. I enjoyed speaking with you today. Thank you for talking with me. I will come again soon and we can talk some more. Take care, Daddy.  

BH. Bless you, Isa. I am so happy you came to speak with me today. See you soon.

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