August 30, 2020

August 30, 2020

B.H. Hello George Washington. Thank you for coming to help me write today. How are you doing? 

G.W. I am well, Brian. It is a beautiful day where you are and always a beautiful day where I am. Even where you are a beautiful day is rather a state of mind, wouldn’t you say? The various weather conditions all have their own beauty do they not? Except perhaps for those that threaten life and limb like hurricanes and tornadoes.  

B.H. You are correct, George. It doesn’t have to be sunny to be a beautiful day. That is some kind of habitual thinking that we get into. It does depend upon perception. Someone who lives in a dry climate may feel that a rainy day is preferable to a sunny one. 

G.W. Yes, perception molds so much of human experience. So just as a sunny day being equivalent to a beautiful day is not a truth but a perception or even an opinion, other things which humanity or certain members of humanity view as truths are only true as perceived by them they are not absolute truths. 

B.H. I understand that truths vary from culture to culture and person to person but do you have some examples so that we can take the lesson home with us? 

G.W. Certainly we can look at some examples of truths which are not absolute truths. Political positions for example are not absolute truths.  

(This message was truncated by the writer.)

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