August 31, 2020

August 31, 2020 

B.H. Hi Mary, thank you for joining me to write today. My last session with G.W. was not so good as it was totally lacking in rapport on my part. 

M.K. Hi Brian. That’s understandable that you would have moments or days when you are lacking rapport. You may try to get to a higher frequency and may go correctly through all the motions to do so, yet life, mortal life, will always impinge itself on our plans. You may have had an issue with your body or some unsettlement of your mind which you were unaware of which sabotaged your efforts to write. It is not that you are incompatible in any way with George. Except for that day you would have been incompatible with any of us, though Jesus is powerful enough to have rapport almost at will and can make up deficits on the Earth side, though really he would rather not. The medium, then, must make efforts to meet us some part of the way and some days that is going to be difficult for you or any other Divine Love medium, though moreso for less experienced ones. Don’t worry though, you’re getting there. You’ve made great strides and I wish you would not look at one failed day, one failed communication, one imperfect message as a stain on all your writing. Your doubt seems to crescendo at such a time, and this is natural for someone on your side I suppose, who receives few tangible spiritual experiences. But you need to remember all that you know and have experienced of the spiritual world and knowing all that, see that it is only natural that some people have ways to communicate with us and that you are not only one of these people, but you are one of the few who can take messages from higher spirits and angels. Not perfectly yet, of course, but well enough on days when you have rapport which is more often these days as your practice has been more often these days.  

B.H. Thank you for the reassurance, Mary. You are right, I do tend to negate my accomplishments when I have a bad experience with the writing. I need to remind myself of all the amazing things I have seen, know, and receive from the spirit world and from God. 

M.K. Yes, Brian. That’s the spirit. LOL. Right, we can laugh and have fun too. You are on a good track, don’t be derailed by individual efforts or individual bad days. Stay on track and where you will go will surprise you. Okay, it seems we are having a little trouble with rapport right now, and this is a perfect object lesson moving forward and that is to press on if you can with a message or end it when you feel the rapport is leaving you. Don’t worry, we’ll try again soon and you’ll be that much better just as every day that you write you will show improvement. Life on Earth and in spirit is about progress. There is no standing still. Well, there is standing still, those spirits in the lower spheres stand still mostly because they believe that it is their lot in life to remain where they are and accept what they have, but eventually they move beyond the standing still, though it may take a long time. So progress is for us all, eventually. This, if people knew it, would change how people viewed religion because as you know religion speaks of progressing towards God when you are on Earth but when you come to the other side all progression stops and you are either stuck in Hell or blessed to have gotten into Heaven. We on this side know the truth of progression, it is so clear to us. I am sorry it is not so clear to the people there on Earth. But perhaps messages that you or others bring through will be enough to convince people otherwise. It just makes more common sense that God would care for and continue to care for all of His children through all time rather than favoring some and abandoning others. Continue with your progress there Brian and you may instigate the progress of some souls while they are yet there on the planet. I appreciate your sticking to it through this message today. We will work together again soon and I look forward to it as always. My love to you and wishes for your success. Goodbye. 


B.H. Thank you, Mary.

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