December 7, 2020 (new 10/2022)
Mary Kennedy (trance)
M.K. Hello, Brian. It is Mary Kennedy, here for another trance session with you. Let’s see how well we can do today with attaining and retaining rapport with each other. I appreciate that this is practice and practice is important before you can expect to receive significant messages in this fashion, which you have just started with. So let’s talk about something that you may have read over the last few days. Soulmates appear to be on your mind but I’m not sure if I have anything to add in that area, except to say that it is not important for you or anyone else on Earth to pursue your soulmate at this time. Grow as a person, as an individual, complete yourself spiritually and the acquisition of your soulmate will come when you are ready.
B.H. I’m wondering if you can answer this question for me, Mary. How similar are our spirit bodies to our mortal bodies on Earth? For instance, teeth, tongue, fingernails, sexual organs, internal organs, what’s the same and what’s different between spiritual bodies and mortal bodies?
M.K. Yes, in general, Brian, people, spirits are represented how they want to be represented as a spirit. Spirits have less control over how they appear the lower that they go in the spirit world. This is why you find that in lower spheres spirits may appear dark or even ugly to your eyes. But as you move up through the other spheres, spirits have more control over how their spirit body is presented, and this how spirits can appear younger. You may have a full head of hair if you were balding on Earth, you will have a full set of teeth if you were lacking teeth or lacking perfection in your teeth on Earth. You will have limbs that work in the spirit world, whereas on Earth you may have been lacking working limbs. Your eyes will work and your ears will work. You will have a tongue. I think that the sexual organ is part of the human body and something that people are used to from their life on Earth and so in the lower spheres the sexual organs are retained, but there is no functionality for going to the bathroom or sexuality purposes.