Early August, 2014

Early August, 2014

This is my earliest try at mediumistic writing

Judith Holmes. I am here: Mom. I am with you, Brian. I know you may not believe it at the moment but I have been watching your progress these last weeks and I am happy and amazed for you at the change and your embrace of the Way and the Divine Love Path. I am very happy and am following the Master, Jesus. I had believed in Jesus in the way that the Catholic Church taught me when I was alive but I was not too devout before I passed into the spirit world, so it was easy for me to adjust to the idea of Jesus not being a part of the Trinity or Godhead as the orthodox Christian Churches teach.

B.H. What sphere are you in?

J.H. I am in the sixth sphere. I am very happy here.

B.H. I mean no disrespect, but I do not believe that I am typing anything but my own words. If you could say something that I do not know but could verify with my father or a sibling, please say that so that I can be more assured that it is you, my mother, who are speaking with me.

J.H. This is an experiment today, Brian, to see if you have any capability at doing automatic writing or typing as it were on the computer which could be a very effective way of communicating between spirits and man. I will say that we have tried, not myself, but others have tried communicating with mortals in this way but without too much success since there aren’t many who have thought to do it this way and those who have do not have the skill required for the task. But if you open your mind and soul up and give over your hands to the task you can do it and I and many others can speak with you and tell you whatever you want to know about the spirit world. Only you will need to practice to do it correctly and you need quiet, generally.

B.H. What do you think, I don’t know I was going to ask a personal question but will ask that some other time when I am sure it is actually you talking to me.

J.H. I understand Brian. I miss you, have missed being with you in your life and would like to have been a part of your families. You are very lucky at the moment with your present wife.

B.H. Yes, thank you. I have missed having you in my life as well, and I will be happy to see you when I go there.

J.H. Yes, I will be there to greet you when you come and you needn’t worry about that. I don’t know where you’ll be living right away, but no one does until they die, so make sure your soul is in the best condition that it can be in before you pass and then you’ll have an easier time of it when you get here.

B.H. Is there something you can add, something you can say that I don’t know and can find out to prove you are speaking to me?

J.H. Well, Brian I used to work in the library at Oakland University, you know that, right? I also worked as an administrative assistant for a vice president of the university. That man was a large guy who fell over one day and died or I thought that he did. He really did not, he was okay, he just had some kind of seizure. I told this story to your father. If he remembers this then you might believe it is me who is writing to you right now.

B.H. Thank you. I will ask him if he remembers anything like that. I hope that if I have enough practice that I can have some excellent communications with you and some other spirits as well. I am interested to know about your life there and my brother and many other people as well.

J.H. We all want to talk with you, Brian, and will be able to if you practice and make time in your life to do this. I know you don’t have a lot of time but you can fit it in and still finish writing your book. I hope that goes well for you. I saw the other book you wrote and I think you did such a fine job on that, very respectful and beautiful. A good idea, though not so marketable as I am afraid you have found out. Well worth you doing though.

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