Early July, 2020
Early July, 2020
B.H. I asked Jesus to address Pastor Dana’s rather cataclysmic dream/prophecy for the fall of 2020 in the U.S. and whether it was going to come true, as well as the message given by Jesus, through Al, in response to it.
Jesus. You are here and alive at a propitious time, Brian. Your help will be appreciated at this time by God and by all who are working on the Divine Love Path. It is not coincidence all the many things which led up to this day. There are changes on the wing and I would like to tell you that they are not tumultuous changes, but I can’t say that. But I can say that you do have nothing to fear if you pray and stay in God’s Light, to play on His playground, as you might like to say. As to September and November. I don’t see specific things happening then, but there is a cauldron of anger and unrest which brews and just as happened with the recent protests and rioting it will not take much to trigger the same thing from happening again. The world and your country are a lit fuse. Prayer may help that fuse be snuffed out. But from one person or one hundred persons, this will not be enough. Thousands, nay millions will need to participate in prayer for a lightening of conditions on your world. It is not God who brings the turmoil to Earth at this time, it is the conditions built up by humanity and as will any wound or disease which gets to a critical point, healing must begin to take place or a withering and death. It is a result of the laws of the universe. But the illness felt upon your planet does not need to be remedied by radical surgery, prayer can do the same thing. The Pastor’s message can be effective as an agent for change that would help in the avoiding of chaos and travails. If his message, which has been seen by many so far, can be taken as a reason to pray by the millions who see it, God will hear the voices of His children and catastrophe can be avoided. He will cradle in His arms all who make such prayers and the Light that is generated by this cry from humanity will itself change the atmosphere of your planet, will cause the darkness to lessen and the Light of Love and the Light of God to take hold.
Those who feel anger will start to feel love, those who feel hate will start to feel compassion, and those who feel left out and lost will start to feel that humanity has beauty in it, that humanity has love in it, that there is more to humanity than you are told of in the news.
Don’t fear overmuch about what is coming at any point in the future. The future is changeable. Years out it is very malleable, months out it is still apt to be formed one way or another. There is still time to change what may or may not be prophecy. You and your cohort need to express the need for prayer. An army needs to be raised, yes, but not an army of weapons carrying men and women, but an army of prayer saying men and women around the world, and the larger that army, the better for humanity upon the Earth. Something will happen. It is still in your hands just what will happen. Pray to our Father for peace, pray to our Father for His Love to be delivered into the hearts of those who need it, pray that faith will be given to those who need it, and pray that love can be had between individuals and groups and states and nations.