Earthly Message

This is not a message from the angels or spirit, but it is one of Divine Love and spreading Jesus's true gospel.

The following was a response to a video on YouTube where a Christian was browbeating a Jehovah's Witness into seeing the error of her ways. He either deleted the comment or disallowed it so that it did not receive any interactions. So I present it here.

I appreciate that you are trying to bring people to God and to the path of Jesus the Christ and to the better place of existence that will come with coming to God and Christ, but I do not appreciate that you are using scare tactics to do it. God doesn't want scared people to love Him, He wants thankful people to love Him. The thinking that God is a vengeful and punishing God is what pushes people away from belief in Him. Look at that Jehovah's Witness young woman. Her personal belief is that hell doesn't exist because she can't believe that God would torment people for all of eternity. The bad news is that hell does exist. The good news is that it is not for eternity. Hell is for reform of the soul. When the soul is reformed, and born anew (rebirth), then that soul may enter Heaven.

The problem with the facts that you come at people with based on biblical writings is that the Bible is not the word of God. Who told you that it was? Who is the authority that has told you that the Bible is the Word of God and thus unassailable truth? There is no person or persons on this Earth, no group of people, no church that can say that the Bible is the Word of God. The book itself cannot say it is the Word of God, that'd be like a King crowning himself King. So until you convince me that the Bible is the Word of God, then all words in it are subject to their origin in humanity and humanity's foibles, falsities, and error. This takes away the strength of some of the words of the Bible, and it takes away the strength especially of those passages of the Bible that rub people the wrong way, mainly because they are wrong.

The Bible is in many cases a beautiful source of wisdom, a proven source of much historical fact, and a manual for good living. It is also a source of exaggerated history, exaggerated miracles, made-up stories, fantasy, and other falseness. And while it cannot be decried as all bad or worshipped as all good, it cannot be used as a crutch to beat non-believers or sinners over the head or to scare them.

Who is your authority for Biblical Divine authorship? 

I know who has the authority to tell us that the Bible is not the Word of God. God may tell us, Jesus may tell us, and the angels of Heaven may tell us. These are the only authorities who know the truth of the Bible and they have told us many times. 

Jesus asks us to pray to God in our rooms and behind closed doors. God and Jesus and the angels hear us pray. Do you think any of these holy beings may not answer back? Of course they do. They hear and respond. They have the power to and the desire to connect. Some people are quiet enough to hear. Are you?

Pray to God with repentance in your heart and for His Love, for His Living Waters to come into your heart. That is what God wants for each and all of His children and even those in Hell may do this very thing.

God bless all of us.

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