February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
B.H. Hi, James Reid. It is good to speak with you today. I hope you are well.
J.R. I am well indeed, Brian. Things could not be better, as always.
B.H. I had no particular topic in mind today. Perhaps you have a subject for us today?
J.R. Surely, Brian there are many things we can talk about. It should be at least spiritual and most probably related to Divine Love, no?
B.H. Yes, I agree.
J.R. Well then let's go down the Divine Love Path, as it were, since that is the Path we are on together and that we are trying to fill with more souls, more followers to share the well-trodden path that we ourselves walk upon. And we shall be filled with joy at the prospect of more people on that Path with us because we will know that there will be that many people who will not be suffering in the lowest spheres of the spirit world and will even, as they live on Earth, not be suffering so much under the slings and arrows of life. These people who join us on this Path will also join us in immortality eventually, dependent of course on their new-birth, or their entrance into the Celestial Heavens. We welcome all who want to join us on the Path and who want to join us in the Celestial Spheres. But we all have to start somewhere, and even before the first prayer for the Divine Love one must find out about the fact that God offers this gift to mankind. That is what you are doing. That is what I am doing and every other soul on the Divine Love Path. We may have a large role or a seemingly quiet role but we are all acting as channels of the Father's Divine Love as we receive it. The channel is between you and those who know nothing of the Divine Love and that channel exists whether you are preaching about the Father's Gift or you are just living your life.
B.H. So we have an effect on those around us just by receiving God's Divine Love?
J.R. Yes, you have an effect on those around you, those who you come into contact with, those who you think about and pray for, and you affect many in the spirit world who see you pray, who see your spiritual/soul growth and who say, Hey maybe this is something that is for me, that would benefit me. And the bottom line is that your praying for Divine Love is good for your soul growth and will advance you towards the Celestial Heavens. It is a win-win situation in many ways.
B.H. I agree, James. I would like to benefit and would like to see the world or at least many more people in the world receive the benefit of praying to our Father, and on top of having that relationship with Him praying as well for Divine Love.
J.R. Yes, any kind of relationship with Father will help a soul and will improve the world greatly if enough people participate in sincere prayer with God, but so much more will people be helped by praying for the Gift of Divine Love. Let us hope that things will go that direction. You keep doing what you are doing and that will certainly have nothing but a good effect. Blessings to you, Brian, until we talk again.
B.H. Bless you too, James. Talk with you soon. Thank you for coming today.