February 27, 2021

B.H. Hi, Isabelle, thank you for wanting to come and write with me. How are you doing?

Isa. Hi, Daddy. I know that you know that I am well and so I am as usual. But please do continue to ask. It is thoughtful and when humans on Earth ask that of each other, and mean it, then it is thoughtful as well and shows that nearly everyone has a good heart there most of the time. But there is spiritual work to be done with most of humanity that’s for sure.

B.H. Is there anything you want to address today, Isabelle? I don’t have a specific subject in mind.

Isa. Well, I know you don’t want to touch on the subject matter that Jesus spoke of Thursday night, but you were quite moved by his answers and by his lesson on the material he covered.

B.H. Yes, I was quite moved by his answers and his speech overall. It really touched my soul I think.

Isa. I am sure he is pleased with your reaction, father. To know he is hitting a homerun with these talks is just what he wants.

B.H. It’s no small part due to Al’s work to be a clear channel as well.

Isa. Yes, of course Al is instrumental and that is the culmination of many years of work on Al’s part and many years of work on the part of spirits and Celestial Angels here to foster, or sponsor if you will, Al’s mediumship and that of other mediums and Divine Love practicers and channels. It is a team effort and it has culminated in Jesus’ lessons through Al. Of course, when I say culminated it suggests that this is the end, but no, it is just the beginning, but it is a significant milepost shall we say. Jesus’ New Teachings are the pinnacle of spiritual truth delivered in a clear and thorough way. But there is always more to come as we are still developing talent over there and as more Divine Love followers find the Gifts which God has laid in their souls which will allow them to uniquely be lights and channels of God’s truths in the world.

B.H. I do hope that those lessons become widely read.

Isa. I’m sure they will be, father. The content is just too compelling for it to go unread. The content will push these lessons around the world, be it in book form or on the Internet. These will propagate in the spirit world as well. But here or there, you know that people have to WANT to read a certain type of material before they will read it. They have to have a curiosity. So already you have most of the population of Earth and the spirit world who will not read Jesus’ New Teachings because it is not in their sphere of desire. But as this propagates amongst those who are spiritual or soulful it will gain some currency and spill over to those who are curious.

B.H. It should go something like you say, Isabelle. Hopefully it won’t take as long as the Padgett Messages have taken to propagate.

Isa. It would be nice if it happened quickly, father, but the best we can do is create something and hope it is purchased, so to speak. Do what you think you can to spread the word and we will too. Jesus is not going to sit and wait. He will, as will many Celestial Angels, be pushing these teachings to a wider and wider audience. Perhaps it will be a turning point for humanity on Earth, for their spiritual growth.

B.H. I hope so, Isabelle. Thank you for your thoughts on this topic.

Isa. It is no problem, father. I enjoy speaking with you and of course look forward to the day when you are here with me and we can continue our conversations in more convenient fashion. Until then this method will have to do and I count us as lucky to be able to do this much. Not many others can, right?

B.H. This is true.

Isa. Have a great day, father. I will speak with you again soon. God bless you always.

B.H. God bless you, Isabelle. See you soon.

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