February 7, 2021

February 7, 2021 

B.H. Hi, Mary Kennedy, how are you doing today? 

M.K. Hi, Brian. I am well. It is nice to speak with you again. Of course, when we are not talking with you like this we are still with you in some capacity, so we never lose touch.  

B.H. I appreciate your help, Mary, and every other Celestial Angel or Divine Love spirit or family member or spirit guide who helps me. I wish that it was easy to know who was helping and I think that life would be quite different if we could see the help that souls on the spirit side of life give to us here. 

M.K. Life would indeed be different if that were the case, Brian. But we needn't make idle speculations because it is a moot point. You and everyone else may find out who helped you when you come over to this side and there will be plenty of time for thanksgiving at that time. We don't help mortals for thanks anyway. We do it because it helps make the world a better place, because our hearts grow in joy when we see some progress made by some soul there. It is our mission of love that motivates our actions and needs no recompense, although we do receive recompense by our own soul progress and through the aforementioned joy that we receive while doing our work.  

B.H. I appreciate the way that this works out for humanity but not everyone receives help from angels, spirit guides, spirit family members, and Divine Love spirits in the same way as someone who wants to be in God's grace, right? 

M.K. This is true, Brian. People must be seeking God. When people are seeking God, praying for Divine Love, praying for other things, having faith, showing love to other people, these people are in God's grace and they also attract spirits and angels who are of like mind and who have similar activities and goals. It is the Law of Attraction. People who are not in God's grace will attract spirits to them of like mind. I am not saying that people lack good spirit presences around them, because even people who are sinners and have bad character have family members and friends in the spirit world who will watch over them and perhaps try to bring progress or reform to them, to open their souls a little bit. But Celestial Angels generally help those who want help. People on the Divine Love Path attract spirits on the Divine Love Path and Celestial Angels because we have that in common. Like attracts like. If someone is like a devil on Earth you can be sure that he attracts many devilish spirits to him from the spirit side of life. As I said, though, this does not mean that he is devoid of those who care for him on our side, but the effectiveness of those good spirits will be limited by the overwhelming badness in his life. This is an extreme example. Most people are not so bad. Most people have spirits who love them who are near to them and helping.  

B.H. Thank you for clarifying how we receive help from the spirit world, Mary. I am sure this will be interesting for people to know. 

M.K. You are welcome, Brian. You are right, it should be interesting and let us hope that it may sway some individuals to be in such a way that they attract to themselves spirits who have love and assistance for them. We are always eager to help anyone and the more spiritually minded someone is the better. Take care, Brian and we will continue with another conversation on another day. 

B.H. God bless you Mary. Take care.

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