January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
B.H. I have heard Mary Kennedy. Hi, Mary. I am happy to hear from you today. Thank you for coming.
M.K. I am happy to come and help you with your mediumistic writing practice, Brian. It is important work and a pleasure to participate. By the way, Happy New Year to you.
B.H. Thank you, Mary. I hope it is a good year for myself, my family, my friends on the Divine Love Path and for a greater awareness of the real message that Jesus brought 2000 years ago.
M.K. I hope so too. Keep praying to the Father and it can’t help being a better year.
B.H. I am sorry, Mary. My grasp on the rapport is very weak today.
M.K. When you recognize it that’s the first step towards fixing it. A weak rapport can be very transitory just as a strong rapport can be very transitory. That’s what this practice is all about. Once you have gotten good at holding the rapport more easily, then we’ll be able to call the practice stage over and you’ll be able to take consequential Celestial messages. But the only way to learn to have a strong rapport is to practice more often. Certainly more than once every two weeks. Do athletes practice once every two weeks or do they do so every day? Do piano players practice once every two weeks or every day? I am not being judgmental or flippant. You are the one who says you want this. You have to pay the piper if you want to make gains at anything you desire.
B.H. You are absolutely correct, Mary. I will apply myself to this project more often.
M.K. As you wish. I or any of the others on your team will be here for you in a moment’s notice, especially if we see continued effort and seriousness. Let’s say that 2020 will be the year where you move from apprentice to master, okay?
B.H. I agree with that, Mary. Thank you.
M.K. As I say it is a pleasure. One of the many pleasures I get to partake in in my life as a Celestial Angel. You’re really going to like it when you eventually get here. You’ll notice your progress much more when you get here, but it is not impossible to notice your progress when you are there on Earth. When God answers your prayers, you’re very likely in His Grace. When you are in His Grace your prayers to Him are likely getting heard by Him, your prayers for Divine Love. So notice and remember the prayers which He has answered if you want confirmations and evidences. Look for the ways you’ve been helped. You’ve also been privy to some awesome messages from our side, from Jesus and his disciples among others. Not everyone can say that. (Of course, everyone could say that if they read the Padgett Messages and other Celestial messages books.) Pray, pray, pray. I think we have done enough for the moment. Keep your actions on the level with your desires and your desires will be as the fruit appearing on the tree.
I will talk to you soon, Brian. God bless you.