January 25, 2022
J.R. Hello, Brian. It's James Reid. I hope you are doing well. I am doing fine over here. Things are going well for me and your spirit team.
You are not sure of the subject that you want to cover today, and I would like to talk with you about the Earth changes that are coming, and that way you will have another source for that particular subject area as it is the... an area of concern for you. And I would like to say that I know that you have your doubts about climate change and about the Earth changes that are coming and climate change is not necessarily connected to Earth changes. The Earth changes are the result of the human condition and the human condition entails more than just the greenhouse gases that are put into the atmosphere and which may or may not have an effect on climate. The human condition is all the things that result from the disharmonious activity that humans participate in. So that would include pollution, that would include the darkness which comes from the souls of billions of people and creates that darkness of the Earth plane. And it is this low frequency darkness which is the main motivator of the Earth changes. This darkness of the human condition causes other human activity which impinges directly upon the Earth and the Earth is going to respond with God's help to the impingement that humanity is placing upon the Earth.
The Earth is being stressed in many ways by this human activity which is caused by the human darkness, and the human darkness is caused by the poor soul development of most of humanity. So, you can see that the general knowing of, first of all, the fact that humans have souls, which many people do not believe -- just a knowing of this fact would change the conditions on your Earth. And beyond that, if many of these billions of undeveloped souls were to bring Divine Love into their souls, to not even a great amount, conditions on your planet would be so much different and the changes that the Earth will go through would not be necessary. So, your work and the work of others in the Divine Love community and on the Divine Love Path in the spirit world and of the Celestial Angels is work that is all so important because it is work that can change the course of the Earth changes that are coming.
When we talk about the Earth changes that are coming and how this will set back humanity and curtail humanity's activities upon the planet, we speak of the Earth changes as they will be without Divine Love's impact upon the problem. If, for example, Divine Love happened to spread like wildfire and become viral, as it were, then this may ameliorate some of the Earth changes that are coming. Frankly, right now I don't see that happening, which is why we, when we talk about these Earth changes, when Jesus and others talk about these Earth changes, he speaks of them as a fait accompli because, as you know, the spread of the Divine Love word has been slow over the last hundred years. Yes, it is growing. Yes, more people know of it, but at the moment it's not enough.
So, you have looked for clarification on the Earth's changes and I hope that this information has clarified things a little. It is people's souls that need to be enriched with love, natural or Divine! Souls need to be sparked with the light of the knowledge that they exist within each human body, within each human mortal, and as I say, if this were to happen there would be a sea change upon this planet. So, all of the lessons that Jesus and other Celestials have been bringing you concerning the changes that will come to your planet, the changes to humanity's line of efforts, the bringing into harmony human activities with the planet and with God, all that will happen. Humanity can choose to come into harmony with the Earth and with God of its own accord by finding the love within their souls or they can come into these changes through the outside pushes that will come from God and from the Earth as the changes are forced upon humanity.
Thank you for receiving my message today, Brian. I am happy with how you have received it and I look forward to our next chat. God bless you.
B.H. Thank you for coming, James. God bless you.