January 27, 2021

January 27, 2021 

B.H. Hi, Mary Kennedy. Thank you for coming to write with me today. 

M.K. Hello, Brian. I hope you are well. We haven’t spoken for a while but now you are here and that is all that matters. What did you want to talk about today? 

B.H. I hadn’t really had a subject in mind but I could pose this question, Was I guided to the Japanese movie Twiceborn?  

M.K. I didn’t guide you to it, but Father and one of his instrumentalities probably did guide you to it. 

B.H. I found it had similarities to my path, even though the main character was much more virtuous and accomplished than I was. 

M.K. Indeed, Brian. It is not a biography of you by any means, we each have our own paths to follow and this movie was idealized to make it more interesting for the viewer on a big screen, but I am sure that you were led to it to keep your fires lit, your spiritual fires and to let you know that you can devote not only more of your time to this path, but all of your time if you wish it. It has been said many times that God will take care of those who devote themselves to Him and it is true. I can see, however, why people who need to supply their needs would be hesitant to give over their lives 100 percent to spreading the word of God. You can benefit yourself and the world by giving a bit more time to this effort while still not getting near 100 percent of your time. But also know that you don’t know the cherished moments you may miss by hesitating to join fully with the mission. 

B.H. It is very true that it is scary to step out on the end of that diving board and to jump off of it. I will spend more time in my prayer efforts and with the writing. 

M.K. That is good, Brian. We need the help of those on Earth to the degree that they are willing to do so, not to any degree that we may require. I am sure that it is appreciated by our Father in the same way.  

B.H. Thank you, Mary. I am happy to know that the Divine Love Path and the Celestial Angels are so accommodating.  

M.K. Well, we don’t want to discourage people from spirituality and bettering their souls. And we don’t want to discourage any effort to spread the news about the Divine Love Path and its benefits which are available to each and every soul. This is why we have many lightworkers on Earth and in every sphere in the Spirit World. You are just one of many lightworkers doing what you can and what you desire to do for the cause. There is nothing more that we require. But do keep reaching for more in these efforts and we will be there with you magnifying your efforts and supporting them. Together, all of us together will bring more souls to God faster and more completely and according to His ultimate plans. I think you have done well today, Brian. I wish you the best and peace and success in your ventures and efforts. We will talk again soon. Good bye. 

B.H. Thank you, Mary, for your words. God bless you. 

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