July 16, 2020

July 16, 2020 

B.H. Hello, Mary Kennedy. Welcome and thank you for coming to help me practice this work. 

M.K. Hi Brian, you’re welcome. I am glad to join you today, as always. Already one disturbance! We can do this, just focus on me. 

B.H. Yes, not to mention the people in the house but there are cats roaming the room too. 

M.K. It’s all about focus. You’ve done the prayer and the meditation, your frequency is higher so we ought to be able to maintain some rapport. Shall we try for a little while? 

B.H. Yes. Thank you. 

M.K. So lately there has been a lot going on of a spiritual nature correct? Al has had some messages and a pastor and a longtime Divine Love follower. Are things playing out as you like? 

B.H. Yes they are, Mary. Al answered the Pastor’s message, via Jesus and Jesus came to speak with myself and they also addressed the message that said the Celestial Heavens were closing (it's not). 

M.K. Yes. I think you have some satisfactory answers there. There is some good content to chew on, if you will. It would be superfluous for me to add anything, except that I would reinforce the call to prayer. Prayer is really effective and moreso when many are praying for the same thing. So as widely as you can spread the call to prayer the better. That does seem the best chance for avoiding the supposed prophecy. 

B.H. I agree Mary. It seems I have limited outlets for calling for this prayer. Placing the call on the relevant YouTube videos is a good start and saying something on the Divine Love forum I have done. After that I am not sure where else to place the message. 

M.K. Well keep your eyes open Brian and perhaps Father will put something before you as a medium to spread the news you want to spread. That is the way He works. When we need something it often appears just when we need it. You have to be in Father’s grace and working towards His ends but He will do what He can to help. Just be watchful and tuned in. 

B.H. I will remain open to His suggestions Mary. 

M.K. Of course those suggestions could come from us, your angels and helpers as well, so you may get an inspiration. But wherever it comes from, God is the ultimate source isn’t He? How did Jesus spread his message? 

B.H. He walked around the country talking about the good news he was spreading. 

M.K. Yes. I’m not saying you’ll do that but be open to more than just posting on forums on the internet.  

B.H. I will be open, Mary. Thank you. 

M.K. Well perhaps that’s enough for today considering your circumstances. Keep praying and be watchful for answers. God bless you my friend.  

B.H. Thank you very much Mary. God bless you as well.

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