July 19, 2021
July 19, 2021
Mary Kennedy (trance)
Mary Kennedy (trance)
B.H. Hello, Mary Kennedy. I welcome you to this session with me today and I thank you for coming.
M.K. Hello, Brian. Thank you for welcoming me and thank you for allowing me to come and work with you today. It has been a while since you and I have communicated, though I see you have communicated with other individuals in the meantime.
B.H. What could we talk about Mary? I don't have a subject in mind.
M.K. We might speak of some aspect of Divine Love, Brian, since that is our goal with these sessions, mainly to bring through news about God's Divine Love. So, if you like we can go down that path, the Divine Love Path and show your readers and listeners the way and the reason for wanting to follow the Divine Love Path. One reason for wanting to follow the Divine Love Path is to become closer with the Father, who is God. The closer that you come to the Father, the more light in which you will reside, even on Earth, and certainly in the spirit world. How does more light manifest itself on Earth you ask? When you are living in more light on Earth things work out for you more easily, your plans are fulfilled more easily, your goals are attained more easily, your mood is better, you are happy, joyous, your interactions with other people are positive and not negative. All seems to fall into place. This is not to say that there will not be negative moments or dark times, but overall things are better when you are in harmony with God.
Another reason that you may want to pursue the Divine Love Path is to open up and expose the gifts and talents that were imbued into your soul by God so that you can use these gifts and talents to have a better life, to be a channel of God's Love on the Earth, to have the skills, to do the things that you want to do or that you are destined to do. Another reason that you, that someone may want to follow the Divine Love Path is that it helps you when you leave this planet, when you leave your mortal body and come to the spirit world, it helps you to end up in a better place, to arrive in a better place I should say, when you get to the spirit world. And every day that you progress on the Divine Love Path you are one step closer to the Celestial Heavens and one step further away from the dark spheres of the spirit world.
Another reason to follow the Divine Love Path is to receive God's Love, thereby enhancing your connection with God, your communication with God, your awareness of God. Your spiritual being on Earth will be enhanced and your soul will become cleansed of error and sin in direct relation to the progress that you make on this Path. It is not an instant cleansing of your soul. It is a progression day by day. As you receive more Divine Love, as you act in ways that are in harmony with Divine Love and with God because of your receipt of Divine Love and the way that you act in the world then will you show progression and be a channel for God on this Earth. And being a channel for God on this Earth is a blessing to the other people that share the Earth with you, that share the space around you.
These are some of the reasons that an individual would want to pursue the Divine Love Path. It is not a difficult path, but only involves prayer, asking for the Father to bestow upon one His gift of Divine Love and then trying to live in a fashion that is more loving towards one’s neighbors, family, friends and the world in general. One does not have to go to a church and bow in a pew, one does not have to get onto a mat and face a certain direction, wear certain clothes. One does not need to fulfill onerous tasks if you want to participate in the salvation of your soul, if you want to get closer to God, if you want to end up in Heaven some day. Then all one needs to do is follow the Divine Love Path and God will help you to clear your soul so that it becomes able to live in the Celestial Heavens.
I think we have gone far enough with this message today, Brian. I appreciate your efforts at retaining your rapport and I hope that we will speak again soon. God bless you.
B.H. Thank you, Mary, for coming and God bless you.