July 27, 2022

M.K. Hello, Brian. It's Mary Kennedy. Thank you for calling me to speak with you today. It has been a while since the two of us have talked and I'm happy to be back here and working with you again. 

You had a specific question that you wanted to have answered today and though you had posed the question to Orion, you have decided that it would be better for me to answer the question since you have a rapport with me and you don't have a known rapport with Orion, and this is fine. Certainly, I can answer the question for you and we shall restate the question here for the listener as I understand it from you. You would like to know why on a Divine Love ruled world of people where Divine Love is the way that people live on that world, something that we are striving for on your world, you ask why with free will would 100 percent of the population choose good and not choose evil? For instance, you ask wouldn't there be some defect now and again within the population of people which would cause someone to choose evil or cause someone to choose to do things out of harmony with God's Will? And you were thinking about this in relation to Orion and his people because it is your understanding that only worlds that are in harmony with God's Will have the ability to travel interstellar distances and interact with other worldly races, and this is true.  

So, your question is not a simple one, or the question might be a simple one but the answer is not simple. However, on a world where there is Divine Love freely flowing to all the inhabitants of that world and everyone has been living in harmony with God for quite some time then there would be no defect in the material body of the individuals on this planet. And the free will of each of the individuals on this planet would always be concordant with harmonious decisions regarding harmony with the Father. That is to say, the choices that individuals on this world, where Divine Love reigns, would always be in harmony with the Father's laws of creation and Love. And this, as you know, still allows individuals all the latitude that they need to live an enjoyable and progressive life upon whatever material planet we are speaking of that is in harmony with the Father. 

It is not instantaneous that a world which comes into harmony with the Father will attain the ability to travel to interstellar space. There is a buffer period of time and during this buffer period of time, it is a period of insurance (ensurance?) to make sure that 100 percent of the population is eventually, by their own free will, choosing to be in harmony with God, and then once this takes place then it is safe for this Divine Love girded race with their foundation in harmony with God to venture out beyond their own solar system. So, you can imagine that Earth, the way it is now it is a long way from 100 percent of the individuals who live on this planet, it's a long way before you will see the planetwide harmony that is necessary for interstellar travel. It's not one or two generations before this will happen, probably closer to ten generations. But you needn't worry about that, I suppose you'll be here (in the spirit world) for a long time before that eventuality ever happens and as far as other races who are alien to your planet, you need not worry about them because any alien race that can make it to Earth will be by definition a peaceful alien race, only interested in the Earth's future progress towards harmony with God and God's universe.


So, I appreciate this question, Brian. Orion appreciates the fact that you asked it and perhaps it will clarify for some listeners the kind of relationships that you can expect with races of people who come from other worlds. They only come to help the human race and they can do so because they are in a state of supreme harmony with our Father, each individual being Christed or having the Divine Love within them to such an extent that when they pass they will pass into the Celestial Heavens, their Celestial Heavens. So, thank you for your question and thank you for your work with me today. It is heartening always when you sit down with us and I look forward to our next session, Brian. God bless you. 

B.H. God bless you, Mary. Thank you for coming. Thank you for answering that question. 

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