July 31, 2022
Jesus. I am with you, Brian. It is Jesus. Your soul wanted me to answer the question of the value of faith and so I have come.
Faith is a commodity in God's universe. It is something that has value and it does indeed have more value if the faith is grown from within rather than fed from without. This is the simplest way to put it. The value of this sort of faith that is grown from within as one progresses through their time on the Earth and after that one progresses into the spirit world and begins to progress through the spheres, the value of the faith that comes from within is faster progress towards our Father. I would like to express Helen Padgett as an example of this kind of faith. Now of course she did not have knowledge of the Divine Love before she left her mortal being, she only gained that after having come to the spirit world and meeting Ann Padgett. So, she did not need to have faith in the spirit world because she was there. She had evidence of that, but she didn't have any further evidence of God, as most, at least in the lower spheres, do not have evidence of God, even though they are in the spirit world. This as you know is not evidence of God and is not evidence that they shall exist for all eternity. The only things that they know for sure are that they persist in a spirit form after having, leaving the mortal Earth life. So Helen had this faith, this faith from inside her soul which she began to have when she started praying for the Divine Love. So it was not an evidential faith. It was not a faith built on the foundation of knowledge of God, of seeing God. But as I say a faith that came from the heart and which grew as she prayed for more Divine Love. And this faith, this pure loving faith in our Father helped her to progress quickly in her efforts to gain more Divine Love and to move through the spheres of spirit towards the Celestial Heavens, which she attained quite quickly when compared to 99 percent of other spirits who come to the spirit world. And it is not necessary to progress so quickly to the Celestial Heavens, but she was motivated by friends and family members who were already Celestial Angels, and by hearing me speak she was motivated to pray for Divine Love, to receive the Divine Love and that faith blossomed and enabled more Divine Love to come into her soul. And I feel that this is a wonderful example of what faith can do for an individual.
Now certainly having faith and having evidence is not going to impede one's progress into and through the spirit spheres. That individual, let's say they've had an N... a near death experience, or a vision, or often receive signs, this person has a faith, a belief, a sort of knowing - it's a faith that is buttressed. But that kind of faith, though it will lead to continued progress through the spirit spheres, that progress will also be slower. To me, that is the value of pure faith.
Perhaps this answer is sufficient for you, Brian. Pure faith, you could say, is a commodity that one owns like one owns gold in your material world. And then there is the faith that has evidence supporting it - personal evidence. And that faith one owns as well and it is something like having silver on your material world. Both have value, but one is more valuable.
So hopefully you can see the wisdom in having pure faith. And with the pure faith and the increase that one receives of the Divine Love in their soul there will be more things that buttress one's faith: the ability to heal others is strong for anyone who has a great deal of Divine Love in their soul, the ability to connect with Celestial Angels and other spirits and souls, even in the material plane, is enhanced, and that is a buttressing and evidential factor for your faith. But I would say that the key ingredients are faith and the receipt of Divine Love and these two things feed each other and help one's soul to blossom to its full potential and help one's progress on the Earth and in the spirit spheres.
God bless you, Brian. Thank you for asking the question and for calling for one of your spirit team to come and answer it for you. And I felt that it was important that I, since you originally addressed this question to me, came to answer it for you. Keep up your prayers. Keep up your faith. God is always with you. Your spirit team is always with you. Take care of yourself, Brian. My blessings to you. We shall speak with you again soon. Goodbye.
B.H. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to answer this question. God bless you.