June 3, 2022
Jesus. Hello Brian, it is your friend Jesus and I am here for you. I appreciate your returning to your mediumistic efforts, and, as we always say, this is a process and as long as you are praying you are progressing. And though you may see breaks in your mediumistic practice from time to time, whatever the reason, as long as you are praying, you are progressing. And we do appreciate and notice the prayers that you offer up to our Father, and you are no less on the Divine Love Path, or no less attached to your spirit team, for not performing mediumistic messages. It is the prayers that attach you to your team and to our Father. So, we do appreciate your continuing efforts on a daily basis. The more efforts that you can make every day, the better, of course, but we are happy to see your firmness on the Path and your efforts thus far. Keep up your efforts and increase them wherever you can and know that you are watched, that your team members are with you variously at various times and that as you pray, we pray with you.
Clear your mind as much as possible, Brian. That is the key to bettering the rapport between you and myself or between you and any spirit or angel. Keep your mind clear and as you do so then we can seed your consciousness with the material that we wish to present.
You are tripping over the word catastrophe as in your mind that word is coming from me and you think it is coming from yourself. And I am responding to your current thoughts of the Earth changes that are coming in response to the dark human condition that exists on the Earth and the peril that humanity and the Earth are in danger of. So yes, catastrophe, you could call it that, is coming. Catastrophe for the old ways of humanity and though this catastrophe will be an upending of human activities upon this Earth, it will be a healing time for the Earth and for humanity. Certainly, it won't seem like that as it's happening. I can't say specifically what the catastrophe is, only that you should be ready. Try as hard as you can to be in our Father's Grace and in the shadow of His Love and your steps will be guided as these events happen.
B.H. Why Jesus can't we know what kind of catastrophe is coming so we can prepare?
Jesus. Brian, I have a pretty good idea of the kind of catastrophes that will be released upon your Earth, but we cannot let you know what these events will be. God doesn't want that and it's not in the best interest of humanity that humanity has warning of the exact types of calamities that will come. You can yourself think of the different kinds of disasters that can happen on an earth and there you have your list of things that may happen. There will be nothing that hasn't happened in the Earth's history that will happen. That doesn't lessen the gravity of what will come, for what will come will certainly change how humanity exists on the Earth going forward. We can't tell you exactly what it is, but you can choose from that list of things that have happened in the past and know that it will be one of those things. And not just one of those things but multiples of those things. Yes, as you say there is nothing new under the sun and in this case there are no new types of calamities or disasters. But everyone should be ready for what is to come.
Prepare as you will, Brian. I am not going to tell you how to prepare other than praying every day. Of course, there are material preparations that should be made and you ought to make them, but make them in conjunction with the preparation of your soul, and the better prepared your soul is for the coming Earth changes, for the changes that are coming to humanity (the better prepared that you are), the more of a Light you will be to your fellow humans, to your brothers and sisters upon the Earth.
You have made a good effort today, Brian, at holding rapport. I am going to pull away now and leave you to your day, and I wish all the blessings of God upon you and ask you to remember that I and my team, your team, and God, are with you. Remember this, remember that we are with you, that God is with you, that we love you. God bless you. Keep up the good work and we shall speak again in the future. Take care.
B.H. Thank you, Jesus, for your time today. God bless you.