March 29, 2021

March 29, 2021 

B.H. Good morning, Mary [Kennedy]. Thank you for coming to speak with me today! 

M.K. Good morning to you, Brian. You’re welcome, as you know it is my pleasure and my delight to come and speak with you. What do you want to talk about today? 

B.H. I had not had a subject in mind, Mary. If you want to talk about sin or being out of harmony in general, that would be okay. Or some other topic that you prefer. 

M.K. Sin would be a good topic. Sin as you noted above is really just acting in a contravening way to the harmony of the laws of God’s universe, or in opposition to love. Of course, love is an integral part of the laws of God’s universe, so it is not even necessary to mention acting in opposition to love, but as I said contravening the laws of God’s universe. I did mention it though for those who are not familiar with the entanglement of the two. So that is your basic starting point. Let’s talk about murder as an example for sin. Murder is specifically the ending of the mortal existence of a man or woman against their will and against the will of God. Here the sin is against the murdered person and against God because He does not want the killing of his children, despite the fact that everyone does indeed continue on in the spirit world, they are deprived of a life that God had gifted them. The penalty for this sin does not come from the conscious action of God as a result of the sin, the penalty is placed upon the sinner by the complex workings and laws of the universe, which yes, He did create and did intend for repentance to be created in the soul of the sinner through the use of penalties for that sin. 

B.H. Mary, wouldn’t this be a sin also against each loved one of the person who was murdered, compounding the sin? 

M.K. Yes, Brian. The murder would also be a sin against any loved one of the person murdered and would weigh against the one who had committed the sin. But the degree to which this would increase the punishment for the sin would not be nearly as great as the punishment for the sin to the murdered mortal. 
Sin was spoken of in the Bible as being directly punished by God because it was easier to speak of it that way. Whenever, in history, people had acted in ways against their gods, those gods became angry and punished them. The writers of the Bible, starting with those older books in the Old Testament continued this “fiction” of God punishing His children when they acted against Him, and since plenty of bad things happen in life, it seemed appropriate to say that God was angry at certain individuals or certain nations. Of course, God doesn’t punish nations at all, He is only concerned with each individual child and as I said He doesn’t directly punish His children for pursuing their free will and acting in ways which are out of harmony with His laws. These pre-made laws do the punishing and if you contravene these laws then, in general, you know what you are doing because there have been numerous messengers of God, including Jesus, who have made known ways of acting in Harmony with God. 

B.H. Thank you for your communication with me today, Mary. 

M.K. You’re welcome, Brian. Keep praying for the Father’s Divine Love and trying to remain in His grace and you will find these sessions quite easy. Talk to you soon. God bless you. 

B.H. God bless you as well, Mary.

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