March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020 

I have these past couple of days had it in mind that I want to practice with Mary Kennedy. I am sure she will be here. 

M.K. Welcome back here, Brian. We have missed you, of course. 

B.H. Yes, I’m sorry it has been more than two months. It’s a number of circumstances that are the cause. 

M.K. Not to worry, Brian. Things moving slowly are still moving aren’t they? I know you wanted to be here. What brings you to practice today? 

B.H. I have a couple of things I am thinking about which I’d like your opinion on. Coronavirus is the first thing on my mind today. 

M.K. Why is this of concern to you, Brian? I know it is not for yourself because you say often that you don’t mind coming to the spirit world. Do you want large numbers of people not to die? Is that your concern? 

B.H. I guess that is one. 

M.K. Well if the spirit world is good enough for you it is good enough for them, aye? 

B.H. Yes this is true. 

M.K. Maybe you are worried about the excessive human suffering that will happen as a result of this disease. If that is the case there is nothing unusual here. There is and will be increased suffering but it is not too far from normal. Most who get this disease do not suffer. Those who suffer and whose lives are threatened, their numbers are comparable to other diseases and you know that God will ease the pain of those suffering, especially those who ask for relief, and there are safety valves for those who suffer acutely. Keep in mind also that God is not causing any of this. Human activity is the cause of this and many other diseases. 

Maybe you are more worried about how this is affecting the normalcy of your world. I can appreciate this, Brian. We all want things to go on as they always have, especially if normal leaned toward good. But things change. Look how things changed after 9/11.  

B.H. Is it selfish to want things to get back to normal, to have this fear subside? 

M.K. No, Brian, it is not selfish, it is normal human behavior. What you are feeling is normal. But, you are also not supposed to be normal, are you? At least in terms of the knowledge you have about the Divine Love. This knowledge prepares you, immunizes you against fear of death, fear of suffering, and supplies you with knowledge to help others where you can. The pandemic will end. It won’t be occurring repeatedly into the future. There will be a vaccine or a cure as you have been praying for. But many people will get this virus and many people will die before it is over. 

B.H. Thank you for your reassurances, Mary. (this message was truncated by circumstances)

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