May 10, 2018

May 10, 2018 

The last practices have been going well I think and hopefully today will as well. I have prayed as well as meditated prior to this practice as I think that will have a beneficial effect on the exercise. 

I will now think about and ask for who will join me to write.  

B.H. Hello, Judas. How are you? 

J.I. Hi, Brian. I am well, very well indeed. Thank you for asking. 

B.H. I very much enjoyed your book The Judas Messages which was written through “H”. Thank you. I think in the Divine Love library of thought that this book ranks right up there near The Padgett Messages.  

J.I. I am glad you enjoyed the book, Brian, and that you think it is so important. The message books that you have read and other messages that are out there are all part of the one project which began in earnest with James Padgett, that is to bring the news of the Divine Love which had been lost in time to the awareness of the people of the Earth and also to the people of spirit in greater numbers.  

B.H. I don’t suppose you can tell me who “H” is or what happened to him or her.  

J.I. He lost faith is all, as many people do who are on the path to God. He will come around again. He is not in an environment conducive to spirituality and it is difficult to be spiritual in some Earthly circumstances.  

B.H. I hope that you can use him to write again, or someone over there can because he was such an effective mediumistic writer.  

J.I. Well if we do, we will. It doesn’t matter because there are other candidates including yourself. If he comes back to it I would love it. If he does not we have other “tools” at hand. There are many options.  

B.H. I see. I hope he finds his way back to the path then. 

J.I. I and others are with him when we need to be, but it is an uphill battle where he is now. Your prayer for him is appropriate and will be appreciated by him in time. 

B.H. This is practice and I don’t want to delve into topics that I may not have the rapport to bring through clearly. Do you think I should start a Circle of Light or find one to join? 

J.I. Well as you know there are none close to you. You would need to start one or move. I think you ought to start a Circle.  

B.H. I do too. I need to work on the logistics and will pay attention to it. 

J.I. Good, Brian. We need more of these Circles around the world. More people praying for Divine Love together. 

B.H. I agree. I will do it, soon I hope. 

J.I. Okay, Brian. If that is it I will take my leave. I have enjoyed helping you and think that you have potential but you must keep practicing and you must keep praying for DL. If you become more masterful we may even bring some important messages through you.  

B.H. Thank you for coming, Judas. See you soon, here or there. 

J.I. Much love to you brother. See you later. 

Judas Iscariot

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