May 14, 2018
May 14, 2018
B.H. My mind seems to have settled on Leslie Stone as my spirit communicator today. Welcome and thank you for coming today, sir.
L.S. Thank you for connecting with me, Brian. I am looking forward to your progress in this area of work. There is always more room for people in this line of work who can deliver these truths of the Divine Love. Sadly, it took a long time for the Padgett messages to be fully published but they are out there and affecting many more people these days thanks to the Internet. As you feel yourself whenever you read one of Al Fike’s delivered spirit messages, people hunger for wisdom and truth from the spirit world and there are not too many people delivering the high truths from the spirit world, though many deliver what they believe are truths from spirit which are not truths of the Divine Love path but truths along the natural love path, truths that will lead to happiness of the sixth spirit sphere and some things that are not truths at all. It depends really on who the mediumistic person is communicating with on the spirit side and their intentions.
B.H. Thank you, Mr. Stone. I only hope that I can live up to the standards that you and Mr. Padgett set for mediumistic writing.
L.S. You will if you try, Brian. You know what is involved in trying, that is praying for more Divine Love and of course practicing here. You can call me Leslie too by the way.
B.H. Thank you, Leslie. I have a question about angels. According to the Padgett messages and other sources the only angels there are are celestial angels who were once men or women who lived on Earth. A lot of mediums these days talk about archangels who are a different species of being from men. They have names for them and communicate with them, supposedly. Can you tell me what the story is with this belief in archangels or guardian angels who were not ever human?
L.S. Okay, Brian. This is a good question. As you know the only angels that exist are those who were once human. This you have heard Jesus and other spirits and angels say. That means our friends who believe these things do so because they live in a semi-closed world that has belief in this. It is similar to the belief in Satan or belief in the trinity. It has been part of the spiritual consciousness on Earth for such a long time that it is just assumed to be true and carried on by mediums as true. There are spirits on this side who are only too willing to perpetuate this falsehood for their own ends, perhaps even benevolent ends and sometimes not so. Anyway, there are plenty of spirits on this side of life who believe in this kind of angel even though they have never seen them. The differing belief systems and religions are almost as numerous over here as there.
B.H. This makes sense, Leslie. Thank you for clarifying this for me. Do you see Mr. Padgett very often?
L.S. Sure, we see each other often, Mary and I go and see Helen and Ned very often.
B.H. That’s great. I thank you for coming and helping me with my development today, Leslie Stone. It means a lot to me that celestial angels and luminous people in the Divine Love world are helping me.
L.S. It is my great pleasure, Brian. You needn’t worry about whether someone is luminous or not when you call for help from the celestial heavens as everyone there is only too happy to help give a hand to our brothers on the way up. God bless you in your movement forward, brother Brian. I am looking forward to your progress.
Bless you,
Leslie R. Stone
(See this message for an update on Angels and Poor Rapport)