May 15, 2019
May 15, 2019
B.H. Hi, Mary Kennedy. Thank you for coming to me today to work on rapport while taking a message.
M.K. It is my pleasure, of course, Brian. It has been a while since we have played at this but it is okay that we do it whenever you desire to. Every little success will build up your confidence that you are doing something unique and not mundane. And the more we practice the better you can establish a strong communicative link with us.
B.H. I do look forward to improving at this.
M.K. As you have time we will work together. I enjoy anything I can do to spread the word of Divine Love far and wide and I especially like mediumistic writing as you call it because I can express myself more completely this way than any other way. The world needs every word about the Divine Love it can get, and it doesn’t matter the source as long as it is truth. That means all you or someone needs do is make the truths part of your soul and then express them. It doesn’t matter that they come from a spirit or a book or a grand mufti. If you speak truth and it is consistent and ideologically cohesive then people will listen, they will take heed of it and they will wonder and investigate and take action. Suddenly the world will be changing. I know these truths are a strong part of your soul but not as strong as they could be. Pray more often for Divine Love and the truths you know will become more firmly lodged in your heart and soul. Once that happens you can speak on any aspect of Divine Love and it will be compelling to the listener. It is not too different from a teacher who knows their subject extremely well and believes that subject matter from their core.
B.H. This is excellent advice, Mary. Thank you.
M.K. Oh pish, it is nothing much is it? But useful information for you since you are always worried about how to justify this knowledge to a potential listener. Jesus did not point to some authority other than God for his knowledge of God’s truths. Of course, he took many stories out of the Bible because his listeners knew and revered that book, but his revelations, his new knowledge came from his communing with the Father. Though much of what you know of Divine Love comes from spirits, and Jesus among them, it is all knowledge that flows from God. That’s what you need to accept in your heart and soul. You have faith, Brian, but the material world still has a pretty strong grip on you. You have hung on with our rapport quite well today and it is probably enough practice for now. Thank you for trying again and I hope you will be joining us for practice more regularly. It will help you spiritually and we will increase your faith and your Divine Love activity the more you attempt this writing. Have a great evening, Brian. Much love to you. Mary.
B.H. Thank you, Mary for practicing with me today. Bless you.