May 17, 2019
May 17, 2019
B.H. James Reid wants to help me out today. Thanks for coming James. I hope you are well.
J.R. I am doing great Brian. I wish you well as well. If you are having conflicts in your mind as I know that you are, pray more for the Divine Love. Don’t limit it to once per day or once per two days. Multiple times per day is better. Each session doesn’t have to be long but should be sincere, heart felt, soul felt. This Divine Love will give you the wisdom to deal with the various conflicts in your mind sometimes changing your perception of them even being conflicts. What you perceive as conflicts in your mind become worries and worries become stress and stress makes for an uncomfortable life. And praying for Divine Love has so many other benefits than this but you know what they are. If you feel your progress isn’t where it should be after five or six years of praying for DL then you are not doing it enough. Step firmly onto the Path and changes will manifest.
B.H. This is sound and welcome advice, James. Thank you.
J.R. You’re welcome. It’s no problem. I want you to advance, of course, so that we can progress your ability with the writing. But whatever your future holds it will certainly be enhanced by paying more attention to the praying. I am glad you are coming back to the writing though. We need every clear channel for the Truth that we can get and I’d like to see you amongst that very small number that we have available to us. What was started with Mr. Padgett 105 years ago is still a project ongoing. It is ever blossoming and will do so exponentially soon I think, considering the tools we have at our disposal.
B.H. I would definitely like to see the world come to know these truths, James.
J.R. It will, I am sure of it. It may seem a bit slow now but seeing what we can see from here, it’s going to take off and take hold on more and more people. You can help and you will help, maybe doing some messages, maybe doing something else that God has lined up for you as your gifts show themselves to the light of day. But keep praying. I know I sound like a broken record but it’s important to do so it’s important to say. Mortals seem to forget things easily, mired as they are in the physical world. It is so much easier to focus on things when you get here. But you can do so there to a great degree as well.
So, I think that is a good practice for today, my friend. I think you had some good rapport today overall. We will give it a go again soon. Thanks for your efforts and pray for the inflowing of God’s Divine Love as much as possible. Have a great day and bless you.