May 21, 2018
May 21, 2018
I am going to practice my mediumistic writing in an attempt to transmit the thoughts of spirit onto the page. I will wait to receive some idea of who it is that will write with me today.... James Reid’s name has come to my mind powerfully to suggest that it is he who will practice write with me today.
B.H. Hi, James. I hope you are well. Thank you for coming today.
J.R. Hi, Brian. I am well, thank you and thank you for working with me today. The more we do so the sooner you will be ready to receive some good messages.
B.H. I have received some good messages, but you are correct. I need to work on this and learn to tune into spirit, expand my consciousness and tune out the world around me.
J.R. This is correct, Brian. Expand your consciousness and tune out the world. I traveled the same path as you, even down to starting out with AJ as my original source of Divine Love truths. Thankfully I read the Padgett Messages and continued on from there and in circles that did not include AJ. It took me some time to figure out how I wanted to be useful on the Divine Love path and mediumistic writing is the way that I settled on. I practiced over a long period before I was able to perform it well, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results that you like in a short period. It could take you six months to get something incredible, or less if you keep praying everyday for Divine Love.
B.H. I think six months with poor results would be a long time to do something that I had no confidence that I would ever succeed at. It would seem a waste of six months when doing something else might return results sooner.
J.R. You need to have faith that you can do it and if you have faith, Divine Love and some skill, it could happen sooner. It depends what you want to do that will gauge how long you will put up with doing something that yields no results. Didn’t Edison try to invent the light bulb a thousand times? What if he had tried 100 times and given up? Maybe we’d be in the dark. I think you can be successful sooner. If you have mediumistic talents they will open up in conjunction with your prayers for the Divine Love, your healing abilities too. Yes, you should probably attend prayer Circles of Light as this will enhance DL flow into you but you can get all the Divine Love you need without being in a circle. You don’t need anything special, except for practice of all aspects of your mediumship, that is with your mediumistic writing, of course you have to practice that so that you will learn to discern what are the thoughts of spirit that you ought to put on paper. Your healing needs practice as well. You could affect healing now if you wanted but you need to practice and this of course will flower more completely as you have more DL. Your mediumship will also open up as you receive more DL but also will require practice for you to be able to distinguish what is spirit communication and what is your own internal speech. It will all be clearer as you have more Divine Love in your soul.
B.H. Thank you, James. I really feel that I would like to help people through mediumship and letting them know that their loved ones are around them. Healing people would be an important way to help people too.
J.R. Yes, Brian. Not everyone is able to do these things, though if they tried they might be able to, it is a process for all who want to try and you must go through the process, maybe more so than others to whom it may come more naturally. There are more natural mediums and more natural healers but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it, you will just have to try harder. And the effort will redound to your benefit anyway won’t it as you will have more Divine Love in your soul, be a better person and end up in a better place in the spirit world than you might have had you not tried to follow this path.
B.H. You are right, James. I will keep trying and be patient. God will put things in front of me to help me on my path as I need them or when it is time to do them. I guess I just need to make sure to seed the ground.
J.R. Exactly, Brian. Seed the ground so that it is fertile and ready for growth when you are given the rain that will make it grow.
B.H. James, I appreciate you being on my team. I am sure there are many other things you could be doing.
J.R. Yes, Brian, we have lots to do here, but developing people who are on the Divine Love path and helping someone like you who wants to do this writing which I am so familiar with is a very good fit for my work. I couldn’t be happier than to help you in your efforts. I would like to see exponential growth in Divine Love knowledge in the world too. Just imagine the world that has millions of Divine Love followers instead of just hundreds or a few thousand.
B.H. I do imagine this, James. Can we get someone like Joel Osteen who reaches millions of people to turn to the Divine Love path or do we need to come up with our own Joel Osteen of Divine Love truths? Or is it even important that we have a charismatic figure like that to spread the word.
J.R. This is a good question, Brian. Joel Osteen is not likely to be turned away from the Bible he has grown up with since being a child. He is steeped in the book and believes it is the word of God. Someone could, of course, take up a similar role using the Divine Love truths as a source and it remains to be seen whether that will happen, but it is not important that we have a charismatic salesperson of Divine Love truths. Many teachers, many messages, many readers, many songs, many movies, many books, many articles, many apps. A multimedia barrage is what is needed so that someone finds out about Divine Love in a book and then hears about it in a movie and reads about it in an article. So rather than coming from one source it is spread through the use of tentacles of knowledge which permeate into the culture. I think this is the way it will propagate into the consciousness of the world. This is being attempted in small ways right now.
B.H. I think you are right, James. This sounds like a good plan. We don’t really need a figurehead. I thank you so much for coming and helping me today. I will keep working on my desires.
J.R. You do so, Brian, and great strides will be made and you will be a part of this multimedia propagation of Divine Love. Have a super day, my friend.
B.H. You too, James.