May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018
B.H. Hi, Uncle Jess. I have heard your name a couple of times and want to thank you for coming to help me practice mediumistic writing.
J.H. Well, hello, Brian. It has been a long time since I have spoken with my nephew. How are you doing?
B.H. I am well today. I am thinking today that I really do want to be a medium and healer.
J.H. Well I find it very interesting and cool that you are trying to do this writing with spirits. It is something I had not heard of when I was on Earth as a mortal. You will do a good job I think. Your constitution seems to be cut out for being a medium and healer, a mediumistic writer too as you call it.
B.H. How are you doing, Uncle Jess? I have missed having you around and I am sure my dad has missed having you around too.
J.H. Well, he’s doing okay with his wife. We would have gone birding sometimes if I was still there, but less so than before, just as he hardly goes birding now. It is nice to hear that you miss me. I miss you too. I am well and am in the, in a place where I am happy. It is like country here and I have a garden and there are trees around and birds. I have my own place, not too big, but it is nice. My brother comes over sometimes and my sisters. They don’t live with me but that’s okay. I like to live alone and visit with them when we all want to do it, not when we are obligated to do so.
B.H. Do you get bored?
J.H. I read, garden, talk with friends and family and come and see my friends and relatives who are still mortals. That is enough to keep me busy for now.
B.H. Do you have a lot of books? What do you read?
J.H. I do have many books. I can think of a book and I will have it. I have been reading Earth classics, Shakespeare, philosophy, science, and some books written by spirits over here, not religion but philosophy, science from the spirit world perspective, discussions of Earth happenings.
B.H. Are you interested at all in this Divine Love path I am following?
J.H. It is something I am not interested in right now, Brian. I see that you are praying and that there is some spirit activity around you, mostly good spirits but I just don’t go for that stuff.
B.H. Well, that’s the good thing about God. He doesn’t impose His will on yours or mine. For now I think it is just important that you are happy.
J.H. That I am, Brian. Doing just what I like.
B.H. I hope to do that when I get there too.
J.H. Take your time getting here, Brian. There’s stuff you can enjoy there that you can’t enjoy here. It is a unique experience that you can never get again, living as a mortal. So enjoy it and make the best of it that you can. I certainly could have enjoyed a longer life had it not been for my smoking and drinking. But that was what I enjoyed at the time. Anyway, that’s the past and I am here now.
B.H. Thank you, Uncle Jess. I will try to make the best of my time here. Hopefully I can be a medium and healer or God will unfold some other option for me to pursue.
J.H. Yes, I am sure he will. You just keep up the good work and I will be back to talk with you some more. You will be able to take some better information once you have tuned yourself in to us better. Well, I will go now and leave you for the time being. Take care of yourself.