May 24, 2018

May 24, 2018 

I will now practice my mediumistic writing. As always I have meditated and prayed beforehand. I will wait for an indication as to who will speak with me. 

B.H. Hello, Jesus. I have a strong indication that you want to help me today. I hope that that is true and I am not projecting my own desires. 

Jesus. Well, hello Brian. Your own desires are important in this work you are doing and had it not been okay with me you would have gotten another name more strongly in your mind. I am only too glad to help you in this work and to help anyone on the Divine Love Path who wants to help in this or in any way. You are following in the footsteps of other mediumistic writers and automatic writers that I have used and this project is one which I still see importance in, though getting the messages that already exist in book form a wider distribution is important too. There are many superior truths in the books that do exist already so you can see why we need to pay some attention to their propagation in the world. Yes, Geoff Cutler’s website is doing a fine job but it is only a small cog in the wheel. Anyway, if you want to help with ways of getting these books into more people’s hands you may help that way. You may also pursue mediumistic writing and as James Reid said, if you do well you may be used for more important messages. I want you to keep pursuing mediumship and healing as well. If you become accomplished at that then you may also be able to spread Divine Love truths as well. Keep pursuing these and if God has any change of plans for you He will put the alternative in front of you. You always have the choice to accept some path or not accept a path, just as you have done so many times in your life. When we are met with choices Father leaves the choice up to us because of our free will. As long as you are choosing to do things from a Divine Love perspective or purview you will be making a good choice.  

B.H. Thank you, Jesus. Your words are always enheartening if I can coin a word or use one I don’t know. I feel that any gains that can be made in the world towards Divine Love knowledge getting out there is so very important. I will task myself to think of ways to expand the world’s exposure to the messages books that already exist. I would also like to continue to pursue being a medium and healer as I feel I will be most happy as a person during my time on Earth if I do that. Perhaps I can use that as a way to also proselytize about Divine Love truths. 

Jesus. Yes, Brian keep moving in the direction that you have aimed. The world certainly would not be harmed in having another spiritual medium, especially one of higher spiritual frequency. I understand that you want to comfort people with the knowledge that their loved ones are not dead and thank you if you can expand the readership of our earlier books. That would be such a help. God bless you for all that you want to do. You are my brother on the Divine Love Path and I look forward to the day that you are in the Celestial Heavens with me. Best luck to you, Brian, Love always, 


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