May 25, 2018

May 25, 2018 

I am going to practice my mediumistic writing and hopefully have a good connection with someone in spirit. I will wait a moment to see who wants to write. 

B.H. Hi Mary Kennedy, I got a strong feeling that you wanted to write with me today. 

M.K. Yes, hello, Brian. I do want to help you in your progress. I consider you one of my projects, if you don’t mind me saying. We like to keep busy and writing with you helps your development and it also helps me with my development as a communicator from the spirit world. You may have heard that the people over here have to do some real concentrating to keep up the connection with you over there and I feel that it is helpful for me to learn how to sustain that better and I hope to pull your attention more over here, if you will.  

B.H. Thank you so much, Mary. I know I need to progress and I thank you for going out of your way to do so. 

M.K. It is nothing, Brian. As I say it benefits me too, not to mention I miss doing it. It was fun when I did it with my Leslie so many years ago. 

B.H. You had quite a vested interest at that time, what with your love for your soulmate being the thing that spurred you on. 

M.K. Well, that was indeed a vested interest, but as I say I have an interest now too, so I hope we can continue with our chats. 

B.H. Me too, Mary. I am honored to have a Celestial Angel on my team to help me out. Thank you. 

M.K. My pleasure, Brian. It has been fun watching your development recently and I think you are going to excel. 

B.H. I am worried that when I go back to work that I will have less time to practice this. I hope you all don’t think I am less interested when I do but I do have to work and make money. 

M.K. You can find some time, I think, Brian and you will. You are right, it may be less but if you want  something you will take action to get it right. If you want to be a medium you have to pray, you have to sit with mediums in a circle maybe take some classes. If you want to be a mediumistic writer you have to actually do that. So, I have no doubt that you will find the time and we will adjust our schedules realizing that you will potentially be doing the writing less. It is no problem for us, of course.  

B.H. Thank you, Mary. I do not want to lose any developing skill that I might be gaining. 

M.K. Keep it up and you’ll be okay. We’re pulling for you here.  

B.H. And how is Leslie? 

M.K. He is wonderful, thank you for asking, Brian. He is as fulfilled and busy as any of us here in the Celestial Heavens are.  

B.H. I thank him for his work on publishing the Padgett Messages. That was a momentous and important activity of his.  

M.K. He thanks you for your kind words, Brian. These were important works, yes. There is no equal written book of truths in the world. And is important that they get into as many hands as possible as Jesus told you yesterday. We will be so happy when the world has started to follow the real Divine Love truths and living those truths. It will change the way people live and interact with one another on your planet. What a thing to hope for. And it is not just hope but the hope comes in that it will happen sooner than later. That is my hope and the hope of all of us here. 

B.H. Me too, Mary.  

M.K. Well, Brian. I think that is enough for today on my part. I have succeeded I think in pulling your attention up or in here if you will. So, the connection was better than last time. Yes, you do need to make sure to concentrate more and fall into the words, let them flow as they will. You will then master this craft. But you are some way from that and I will help you to get there. Don’t let your mind wander if at all possible. Take a break and we can do this again on another day. God bless you, Brian. Take care of yourself. Bye! 

Mary Kennedy

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