May 31 2018
May 31, 2018
This is another practice session for mediumistic writing. I am waiting for an indication of who will write with me.
B.H. Hello, Socrates. I am glad you want to write practice with me today. Thank you.
Socrates. You’re welcome, Brian. It is part of the process and certainly not onerous. I enjoy watching the development of mediums and mediumistic writers. It is nice to be part of the teaching process from this side. You are coming along well even though you have not tried to write in a few days. You have prayed, however and that is as important as sitting down to practice the writing. The praying will help you open up your connection to spirit almost as much as practicing does.
B.H. I will of course try to make more time for the practice.
Socrates. That’s good, Brian. We have just a few mediumistic writers on the planet right now and it would be nice to have another one and especially it would be nice to have one who can have rapport with Celestial Angels and have enough rapport for important topics because we don’t just want to come through to you with proof of life as any medium and any spirit can do that. So keep on as you are with praying and try to practice the writing as much as possible. Yes, I know it sounds a bit repetitive right now, the messages you are getting, but do you remember how early on in Al Fike’s mediumship his messages seemed a little repetitive. But his rapport is now so much better and he has so much more Divine Love in him that he can bring through very impactful and diverse messages now. You will be able to do this too if you want but it will take time and effort. No dream worth attaining comes without effort. Your mental gymnastics are keeping this message from flowing smoothly and that is part of what you need to quell if you are going to connect with us. The connection needs to be strong and not be breaking often while you sit and type. It will become easier as you go on. Perhaps that is enough practice for today. You are loved by many here including myself and we wait for your brilliance at what you want to do to assert itself.
B.H. Thank you, Socrates. I appreciate your help, truly.
Socrates. It is nothing, Brian. I am only too glad to help and I enjoy being able to get through to a mortal now and then. Bless you,
Your friend,