May 8, 2018
May 8, 2018
I don’t have a subject in mind at the moment but this is a practice session of mediumistic writing on the keyboard. I am open to ideas about who to talk with.
B.H. Socrates has come to my mind as the person who is here to communicate with me. Hello, Socrates, sir. Welcome and how are you?
S. Well I am fine, Brian, just peachy as you might say over there. Enjoying myself in God’s wonderful Heaven.
B.H. I am afraid I don’t know what to ask you as I am a little awed that you are speaking with me. You are such an important figure in history and one of my favorite people in history. I enjoyed reading about you so much through Plato’s writings of you and enjoyed your Socratic method of coming to truth. There is no other philosopher so interesting I think.
S. Such kind words, Brian. That is indeed all in the past. It is a new day for me and the world now. I am in the Celestial Heavens with Jesus and all others who have Divine Love in their souls. It is a new day for the world because Jesus has come again to give his truths to James Padgett and now other Divine Love followers who are of high spiritual vibration and can have rapport with Jesus. The world is truly better off now and will get much more so as these truths get out there.
B.H. It seems like a slow road, a slow process, this getting the Divine Love truth out to the general public. It has been a hundred years since the messages were brought to Mr. Padgett and they are still just trickling out there. It seems like there might be a thousand people who know about them, if that.
S. Well, you know, as you were thinking it while you typed that Geoff’s website has exposed these truths to thousands of people. The books of the Padgett Messages have gotten into thousands of people’s hands. Thousands of people have watched AJ’s videos and while he is, of course not Jesus, he has had some success at distributing the Divine Love message. It’s getting out there, Brian. In the great scheme of things 100 years is nothing, right?
B.H. Yes, it is nothing in the great scheme of things. Is there anything you can see that I should be doing that I am not?
S. It is really difficult to answer this kind of question, Brian. I could say one thing and God may have a plan for you that I can’t see from my perspective. My answer to you is to keep praying for the Divine Love and you will get your answer. You will know what you need to be doing when it presents itself. Your tools will be available to you as you pray for more Divine Love.
B.H. Can I spend some time with you when I come over there or see you in a forum or something?
S. It will be no problem to meet with you, Brian. I look forward to it.
B.H. I look forward to it as well. It will be nice to hear your stories of your Earth time as well as of your walk on the DL path.
S. Much love to you, Brian. I will sign off now. Cheers to you.