May 9, 2018

May 9, 2018  

I am open now to a spirit partner to write with. I am unable in my thoughts to settle on someone who is going to write with me today. I have communicated with James Padgett, James Reid, and Socrates so far. I will ask Jesus to write to me today and hopefully it will not be too much of an intrusion on his time.  

B.H. Hello Jesus, I thank you for being with me as I learn this craft and I hope that I can do it justice out of my limitless respect for you and because I really want to be of service as a medium and healer and a mediumistic writer as well. Thank you for being here and I ask how are you today? 

Jesus. Hello, Brian. You are kind to show so much respect. The world could use a bit more of this. I am doing very well thank you. Really when you live in the Celestial Heavens you can’t really be anything but well.  

B.H. Do events in other spheres or on other planes or on Earth affect someone’s happiness who lives in the Celestial spheres? 

Jesus. Our core happiness is not affected. We can feel empathy for spirits who suffer in other spheres and for people who suffer on Earth. This empathy can feel like sadness to us but as I say it does not affect our core happiness. We have a view of the overall big picture that those who suffer do not. We know that their suffering is not forever, that they too will enjoy, if not Celestial happiness, then at least they will enjoy the happiness of the higher spirit spheres. It is all transitory, for some people and spirits longer than others, but eventually everyone will see improvement. 

B.H. I see, I would not have realized that perspective. It makes sense though. Jesus, I would imagine you have some knowledge of my situation. I ask if you have anything to say to me about how to move forward on this Divine Love path and in my somewhat ineffective life thus far. 

Jesus. I do feel for your situation, Brian. I see you struggle. Keep praying. God will put things in front of you, opportunities that you will want to do and will be able to handle because your prayer for Divine Love will have given you the tools to do and meet any challenge. I don’t specifically know what God has in store for you, but if you keep praying I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be a medium, healer and mediumistic writer as you wish. Keep your mind open for other opportunities to share you and those gifts that will open. What you want now may change in the near future. Pursue what you want, however. I think it is a good goal you have and I pray that you may attain it. I hope that you will participate in Circles of Light either your own or someone else’s as these are good opportunities for you to raise your spirituality to a higher level than you can do on your own. There is a shared multiplication effect when people pray together, especially for Divine Love.  

B.H. Thank you for the support, Jesus. I am always worried about following the right path, doing what I need to be doing, etc. Same with my work. I really look forward to meeting you when I get to the spirit world. 

Jesus. There are no right paths in the sense that if you follow one to the exclusion of any or all others that you will succeed in life or have lived a more righteous life. Give love to your neighbor. Love those around you and you will portray what having Divine Love is about on Earth. If you live your life being a blessing to at least some people on this world you are ahead of the game. Now you also know about the Divine Love and pray for it so you are doubly ahead of the game. That’s it. Do what you want, what you like, and love people while praying for God’s love and that is everything. Simple. God bless you, Brian. I am on your team just as you say you are on mine. Together we shall walk hand in hand toward God, toward love, toward Heaven and eternity. I love you and pray for your success. Thank you for hearing my words. 

B.H. Jesus, thank you for bringing your words. Thank you for being the Light that you are. I love you as well and feel blessed that you know who I am and came to answer my call. I am available to you if you have any special projects for me. 

Jesus. I will keep you in mind, Brian. Take care of yourself. You can do more for the people there than you can here for the time being.  

Your brother, 



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