October 11, 2019

October 11, 2019 

B.H. Hi, Jesus. I welcome you today and am honored you have come to speak to me. 

Jesus: No need for you to be honored. I would like to help you in your goals and they happen to align with mine so I am glad to help you. I see you have a question about the Kurdish situation and whether your country’s president has done the right thing by pulling troops away from the area in Syria in which the Kurdish people live. You know bloodshed is wrong and I am against war-making of any kind. Your president has the right intentions and is indeed trying to reduce your country’s military footprint around the world. He is not responsible for the actions of another country. 

B.H. Apparently our presence there was enough to deter Turkey from attacking until now and when the president pulls out Turkey immediately attacks. So just by leaving, people are dying.  

Jesus: Turkey may well have attacked with the U.S. in the way and Turkey and Erdogon may have told Trump that we are going to attack and you can either get out of the way or stand in the way and become part of the conflict. That would be my guess, I wasn’t there and do not know exactly what everyone on Earth has said on a given day. But just since talking about this it has come to me that this is indeed what was said. So, your president had to make a difficult decision about further becoming embroiled in a regional conflict. So, we have dealt with this issue, no? 

B.H. Yes, indeed. Thank you for covering a nonspiritual issue with me. 

Jesus: Well, it is an important issue for you and I appreciate your feelings on the issue, your empathy for a group of people who will be attacked, many made homeless, and many who will die. It is Turkey and the Kurdish people who need to end the conflict and pressure from many other countries will help as well. 

B.H. You have eased my mind. I will continue to pray for the innocent Kurds and for Turkey to reconsider its actions. 

Jesus: Good idea, Brian. When you are confused about what to do or frustrated by an action you don’t agree with you can always pray about it. God may not answer that prayer in the way that you might want due to the fact that humanity is graced with the gift of free will, but some silver lining may blossom from the situation or in your mind as a result of your prayer, so it is always worth a try. 


(this message was truncated due to an interruption)

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