October 15, 2018

October 15, 2018 

B.H. I would like to practice my mediumistic writing if I can do so in this environment. If there is not enough quiet for rapport I will stop. I will think about who will join me for the practice. 

It seems that James Reid is the one who comes to mind as wanting to help. Thank you, James. Hello. I hope you are well. 

J.R. Hi, Brian. I am well. You can do this. It is a good practice to test your ability to concentrate and to try to keep a connection. And, of course, practice makes perfect no matter where you are. 

B.H. I agree, James. I will get back on the practicing bandwagon. 

J.R. If you want to, Brian. There is no pressure. It is nice that you can try to use this time to be productive and practice. It will be helpful. As we have discussed before you won't really show the results that you want without consistent and frequent practice. You may get a gem here and there when the connection is good but expect few while you are practicing and progressing. The practice is you trying to reach out and maintain or make a connection and trying again and again until you know what it feels like to connect and what it feels like to be in a connection. You're doing well so far today despite the noise. It just goes to show you what concentration can do. 

B.H. I appreciate your help and patience, James.  

J.R. No problem, Brian. You have a challenging situation there but you are putting it to good use at the moment. You lost your connection there when you asked me if I could deal with your noisy neighbor. That is something you will have to deal with from your side Brian and is not the best use of our time.  

B.H. Do you have any guidance for me regarding my path forward regarding Divine Love and mediumistic writing/mediumship/healing?  

J.R. Stay in control of your negative emotions and you will have a better chance at connecting and staying connected to spirit. Keep praying always for more Divine Love.  

B.H. There is too much talking for me to continue trying this connection. 

J.R. I understand, Brian. We will try again in a more quiet time and environment. 

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