October 6, 2021

B.H. Thank you for coming nearby, Joseph Babinsky. It's very good to hear from you. 

J.B. I'm happy to be back to help you out again, Brian. It seems lately I've had a number of opportunities to come through my Divine Love friends who are still on the Earth and I appreciate the chance to express my heart and my thoughts through you and through others. I also appreciate the chance to be on your team and to help you as you explore trance mediumship alongside your mediumistic writing, and helping you will help me, of course, because, although I have some experience doing what you are doing, when you come over to this side the interaction is a little bit different, and I did have to get some direction from spirits who have been here much longer than I have on how to enhance the rapport between the medium and myself. So, it is a learning process for you and it is a learning process for me and as we both grow we will exchange messages of a deeper content.
I have been enjoying my time in the spirit world - there is certainly nothing to worry about for people who are praying for Divine Love or other people who pray or are of good hearts and loving people. It's just a beautiful place to be, a joy, a joyous place to be. And there are no more worries, no more infirmities, no more tiredness and lethargy, but boundless energy. I am sure that you will appreciate it when you get here, Brian. But stay there if you can so that you can try and bring a few more mortals along on this Divine Love Path which is so important for humanity to find out about. And yes, more people are finding out about it. The more people that remain there, doing God's work, the more people will find out about it quicker and the world will change that much faster to a place filled with love.  

[silence for a minute] B.H. I'm sorry Joseph, did you have anything else to add to the message? 

J.B. Only this, Brian. It's all about praying for Divine Love. Pray for Divine Love as much as you can, feel it from your heart, feel it from your soul, and God will be standing right there beside you offering you as much as you ask for. Of course, standing beside you is metaphor, God is always near us. He is near me here; He is near you there. And He is especially near to the people who want Him near. And the connection between the person who wants Him near, who wants His Love, who wants to communicate with Him and have interaction with Him, that desire to be near to God brings Him near and when you pray for Divine Love it's easy for Him to bestow it upon you.  

I think perhaps this is enough of a message for today, Brian. We can try again to communicate in the future. Of course, the rest of your team is here and waiting to interact with you as well. Mary is smiling at me as you have thought of her and she says she will speak with you the very next time to make sure that you know that she still loves you as her charge upon the Earth and her brother in the Divine Love. God bless you, Brian. I hope things go well for you. Take care of yourself and pray every day, meditate every day, love every day. See you again soon, Brian. God bless you.
B.H. God bless you, Joseph. Thank you, thank you for coming. 

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