October 8, 2019

October 8, 2019 

B.H. Hi Mary. It is good to talk with you again. 

M.K. Hi Brian. You are here. I am here. We are here together today to wrangle this task for you. You are improving on your praying and your energy healing efforts. If you keep it up something will come of it.  

B.H. I hope so.  

M.K. Yes, no worries. My soulmate Dr. Leslie Stone, James Padgett’s friend and coworker in Divine Love efforts did not always believe with full faith that I was his Mary in spirit, that he had a soulmate in spirit. It took many messages through James on my part to convince him. But when he did believe, when he did place full faith in me, even though he could not see me, then things went so much better, more smoothly for him on his spiritual path and on his mortal path.  

B.H. But I feel that I have faith in God, faith in Jesus, faith that there is a spirit world and a life after death. 

M.K. But you would like something more concrete in order to solidify that faith, right? 

B.H. I guess that is true. So, Mr. Stone received many messages from you and witnessed many messages from other spirits to bolster his faith, right? 

M.K. Yes, but you have witnessed those messages too for all intents and purposes. The Padgett messages and their genesis is of no doubt to you, the Judas and Richard messages too. And you have witnessed Al Fike receive and give thousands of messages, many or most of which you have no doubt come from spirit because it just seems like too much coherence to be coming unrehearsed from one man’s brain. And so it is. You have as much if not more than Leslie had for a foundation of faith. You need to accept that; you’ll lose nothing by going all in will you? But you’ll gain a firm foundation and a firm structure and the blocks of higher spirituality will fall into place. Believe. Have faith. You don’t need to see me. Listen, when you start healing people, when you open to the fact that you can receive our thoughts and discriminate between them and your own you won’t need any bolstering of your faith, it will be happening every day.  

B.H. Okay, Mary. These are wise words and I will implement them. 

M.K. You are so near the door, Brian, you can practically knock upon it. Ring for me again when you want to talk, I realize someone has come home. Have a blessed day. 

Mary Kennedy 

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