September 1, 2021

Mary Kennedy (trance) 

B.H. Thank you for coming, Mary Kennedy, to speak with me today. 

M.K. You're welcome, Brian. It's good to be back to talk with you. We look forward to these sessions when you are available to have them. Please do not let your apparent tiredness get in the way of your sessions. You seem to think that being tired will keep you from having a good session and that is not the case. As long as you can focus and work on holding your rapport you can have a good session, even being tired. James Padgett used to take his messages in the evening, sometimes late, and he was able to bring messages through, although as you recall, some of those messages did end early because of his tiredness. But he was able to have rapport and to take messages in the evening after a full day at work, so you ought to be able to do the same in the morning as you are or in the evening as needs arise. Do give it a try and perhaps our frequency for these meetings will be increased. But, yes, do not hesitate to get longer nights of sleep. These will certainly benefit your health and benefit your message taking. 

B.H. So Mary, I didn't come with a subject in mind to talk about today. Perhaps you would like to suggest something that we can talk about so that my practice may continue.
M.K. You are interested are you not, Brian, in the Direct Voice project that Al and his Celestial team and his team of sitters are working on? This Direct Voice, or visible projection, is something that his team is very interested in bringing about, and we do believe that it will be impactful to the viewing public who see these sessions whether they be in person or through video. Of course, you will always have naysayers, Brian, when people look at these videos they will say, Oh this has been edited somehow so that these apparent spirits seem to appear on the video. You'll always have that kind of point of view from some people. But you must understand that many people will see these videos and investigate, seek answers to what they are seeing and hearing and change their minds and begin to look into Divine Love and to follow it. This is another tool in our tool chest to spread the word of Divine Love and if there are naysayers there are naysayers. There's nothing we can do about that, except to put the product out there and see how many people who want to purchase it. Not that this product will cost anything, except the time that it takes to watch it and listen. And once someone watches and listens, they will receive clear benefits. So don't worry, Brian, about who will or will not believe, and with any apparition throughout history there have been believers and nonbelievers, doubters who see but try to explain away what they see and that will be the case here and in the future for any materials or activity that is brought from the other side. But the more people who are on the Divine Love Path, the more that will accept these messages and the more that these messages will spread and the more will be the people who follow this Path. So, support this project if you can, if even in your prayers and perhaps we will see it come to pass before too long.  

Thank you for being here today and for receiving my message to you and I hope that you will come again soon to continue our talks and to strengthen your grasp on rapport while performing trance mediumship sessions. Yes, we would like to see you go deeper into these trances and that is what we will be working towards. But thank you for coming and God bless you. 

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