September 15, 2022

J.B. Hello, Brian, it’s Joseph, Joseph Babinski. I’m happy to communicate with you again. It’s been a little while and meanwhile you’ve made some progress and I’ve made some progress. The spirit world is really a wonderful place, at least in the spheres that I’ve been exposed to. I have visited the lower spheres and I really wouldn’t want to live there, but this is part of the Divine Love work, helping those who are in lower spheres to see that they can move to spheres of greater light and love, away from the dark, unloving places that they reside in. And this idea interests some people and others scoff at the idea. They think if there is a God that he has forsaken them, and some, of course, are happy with their sinful ways. By happy, I’m not sure that’s the right word, um, content might be a better word. But we do try to help those who want it by letting them know how they may move to spheres of greater light. And, of course, we on the Divine Love Path tell them that they should pray for Divine Love to come into their souls. That is the way that we know to move forward, the best way that we know, and so that is what we let these spirits in the lower spheres know. And we will pray with them and some of these spirits do indeed move on – it doesn’t take that long to get out of the dark spheres when you have a very little bit of light come into you.  

So this, among other things, I have been up to. Of course, joining in all the Divine Love circles and being with those individuals like yourself who are praying for Divine Love. And there is plenty else to keep one occupied here.  -end of public message-

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