September 18, 2020

 September 18, 2020 

B.H. Hello Mary. Thank you for coming to help me practice writing today. 

M.K. You’re welcome, Brian. I hope you are well. 

B.H. I am pretty well. Thank you. 

M.K. Good. It’s important to be well and recognize when we are well. It is part of being grateful to God for what we have. 

B.H. I am indeed grateful but it is also easy to forget sometimes, especially when we are challenged with some kind of difficulty. 

M.K. Yes, life on Earth as a mortal is all about difficulties and how we meet them. There are challenges to meet in the lower spheres of the spirit world as well, and even for spirits in the higher spheres and Celestial spheres there are challenges we must overcome in our work of helping others. If there were no challenges for us, or for you, life would not be interesting would it? If everything were handed to us on a silver platter what would be the point really? Some challenge in our lives makes things interesting, keeps us engaged, moves us to accomplish things for ourselves and for other souls. Think about buying a car that has all the modifications that you want done to it already done versus buying the car which needs those various modifications done. You get more out of it when you do the modifications yourself, no? You learn things about cars, you gain some enjoyment, even if there are challenges involved with the modification. Life presents us with challenges and we use our intelligence to overcome these challenges and they help us to grow in knowledge and abilities, may even present us with new friends or new directions in our lives. So don’t fret over the challenges in life, remember that they are just part of the progress that we make, the journey that we are on. It is a never-ending journey and the challenges will keep coming, but the good news is that you will always be getting better at meeting new challenges. 

B.H. Very well said Mary. There is a lot to take to heart in that message. 

M.K. Thank you, Brian. Thank you for writing today. You and I are progressing with this project. Let’s keep up the good work. I will talk with you again soon. Have a great day and God bless you. 

B.H. God bless you as well, Mary.

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