September 20, 2021 (new 10/21)


B.H. I am available to take a brief message if there is someone from my spirit team who wants to communicate with me... Hello, James Reid. Thank you for coming today. 

J.R. You’re welcome, Brian. Would you like me to talk to you about soulmates today?
B.H. Sure, I would like that, James. Thank you. 

J.R. Soulmates are part of God’s creation of mankind. His soul is what you would call bipartite. Before souls take up residence in the bodies they split apart and the more feminine part of the soul usually goes into a girl and the more masculine part of a soul usually goes into a boy. And those two souls came from one soul and so when you think of a soulmate that’s what this is. And there is only one soul out there who is your soulmate, not many. And though you can choose who you love when you live and even in the spirit world, just because it is a good relationship and lasts for a long time does not mean that this is your soulmate, although it sometimes can be. It is generally not common, or it is generally common for people upon Earth not to marry their soulmates. Although again it does happen. But the most important thing while you are on Earth is not to find your soulmate, but it is to progress your own soul while you are on the Earth and to be kind and to love whoever you are with whether it is your soulmate or not. Having a loving relationship with the person that you are partnered with is the most important thing and you can have deep and fulfilling relationships with people who are not your soulmate. It is generally inevitable at some point when you are in the spirit world you will come to know who your soulmate is and by that time any relationships that you have had on Earth will have played their course, perhaps ended up as friendships, deep friendships perhaps, but you will both have come to the realization that you are not each other’s soulmates. And this will be the time, if your spiritual development is far enough along, for you to meet your real soulmate. There is no timeline, there is no hurry. You will have eternity together. So it is not important to find your soulmate on the Earth even if you have one marriage after another. What is more important is you loving the person that you are with, treating them kindly while you are with them.  

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