September 25, 2020
September 25, 2020
B.H. Hello, Jesus. I welcome your help and your assistance with my message writing today.
Jesus. Hello, Brian. You are most welcome. I am glad to be here for you and for me and for our shared mission in bringing the news of God’s Divine Love to a wider audience. It is important work to be sure.
B.H. Yes, the work is important and I appreciate having an outlet to contribute to the effort and the cause.
Jesus. All of us on the Divine Love Path appreciate the work that we can do on and around this Path. Though there are other paths to redemption and to living in God’s favor, such as the paths that lead spirit souls to their existences in the Sixth Sphere where they can live pure lives in happiness and love, the Path that we are on leads to God, God’s Divine Love. It leads us to living as angels in the Celestial Spheres and causes us to become aware of our immortality and of our ownership of a soul possessed of a nature which partakes of God’s essence, which is as like to God’s own soul as it can be, as a creation of God may be. We will never be more than creations of the Father but we can all be immortal as the Father is immortal. And the fact that you and I can help others to come to know this Path and its sure and true route out of darkness and sin and error is a gift and something I can never stop enjoying or participating in.
B.H. I guess that begs the question then, Jesus. Where will our mission and joy come from when the Celestial Heavens close and the Divine Love is once again withdrawn from humanity?
Jesus. It is a question that would best be answered when that water crosses under the bridge. However, as you know, progress towards the Father is an ever-continuing reality, even for Celestial Spirits. Though we may come closer to Him there is always a distance, but we always gain as we move closer to Him. Additionally, there is infinite knowledge in the universe that we may try to know and infinite time to know it. There are seemingly infinite ways in which to spend one’s time and that may be with those who are closest to us or at times alone in contemplation. I am not worried that there will not be missions or ways to stay busy or ways to enjoy life in a future where the Divine Love Path may no longer exist. We don’t know when that time will be and it only merits us to keep on working and being a blessing to others as if that Path will be there for a long time or close to forever. There is still much to do and will be for a long time. It was a good question, Brian. I thank you for it and appreciate your dedication to this Path and to bringing to yourself more of the Love so that you can add your welcome hands to the effort. Thank you for writing today and for allowing me to help as I can. Have a blessed day and we shall speak again soon. Goodbye.
B.H. Thank you, Jesus for coming and helping me and for giving me some important words. God bless you.