September 28, 2021
B.H. Hi, James Reid. It's good to hear from you again. I hope you are well.
J.R. Hi, Brian. I am well of course. Things are always beautiful here and you can't get tired of it, no.
B.H. Well, that's good to hear. I didn't have a subject, James. I just wanted to practice. If you have something you wanted to cover you could do so. Thanks.
J.R. We always have things to cover, Brian and we can pick and choose from many topics depending on your ability to have rapport with us or based upon things going on in your life or around you. Do you want to talk about soulmates in general? We don't have to get personal.
B.H. That would be fine, James. I just want to have a good session.
J.R. Well, as you know soulmates are two people who were created from one bipartite soul seed, if you will. Those two individuals are placed into two different mortal fetuses in generally the same time frame and generally the same area on Earth, but not always, if God knows their paths will or may cross at some point during their lives the two souls may start out in very different places. But remember, soulmates do not need to connect on Earth while they are mortal or even meet, let alone get married. All of that can and usually does happen after the two make the transition to the spirit world. Few people marry their soulmate on Earth but it is also not a rare thing either. The percentage is low. The important thing is to find a relationship that works for you and give love to that person if it feels right. This relationship will help you to grow and progress in your soul and will prepare you for someday meeting your true soulmate, most likely when you get to the spirit world.
B.H. So, James, then it is not detrimental to the soulmate relationship to have one or many relationships before that one?
J.R. Absolutely not, Brian. It may feel to you like you're cheating on that future true love of yours but you are not. You're making the best of life. You're making the best of what can be a very difficult world with a partner who can help you get through life. It is soul preparation. Nothing can compare with the love you and your soulmate will eventually share, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't share love with someone before that. People find their soulmates when they are ready for them but people may find their soulmates before they are ready for them and then being immature or lacking in soul growth or not realizing that they are soulmates they may move on to other relationships, but always, either there or here, there is a return and a reunion of these two souls.