September 4, 2023

Isa. Hello, Daddy, it's Isabelle. How are you doing?

B.H. I'm doing well, Isabelle, thank you. How are you?

Isa. I'm doing good also, Daddy. Things are always going well in the spirit world, for me at least, and for all those people that I know who are on the same plane as I am or above me. Of course in the lower spheres things are likely not going as well for those people who are existing in the hells. But they can improve their situation by praying to God and improve it more quickly by praying to God for His Divine Love. So while you on the Earth there can pray for God's Divine Love and improve your situation, it is much more noticeable when you improve your situation here in the spirit world as a result of prayer for Divine Love because there aren't other conditions muddying the waters, shall we say, as happens on the Earth. You can be very, you can have a lot of Divine Love in your soul when you are residing on the Earth, but you may be in an environment where all that Divine Love seems to not be doing anything to improve your situation. But know that despite appearances, your position, your situation is better than it would be had you not been praying for Divine Love. But here in the spirit world if you consistently pray for Divine Love your situation will improve, you'll move to higher places within whatever sphere you are in, better places. You'll improve your company and be around like minded individuals and then you'll move to higher spheres and higher planes within each sphere as you continue to pray. So you have that to look forward to when you get here - a more noticeable reward for your consistent prayer.

But anyway, as I was saying anyone in the spirit world can improve their condition of contentness and happiness just by praying for Divine Love. And once you're in the third sphere, well pretty much that's heaven compared to anywhere on Earth, and every sphere above the third sphere is so much better than the third sphere. You would find it hard to believe that Heaven could get better but it does in each sphere that you move up from when you're starting at the third sphere. 

So I am happy of course, Daddy, enjoying my life here, continuing to help the children who come to the spirit world before they're ready, being sort of a surrogate parent for many many young children. And it is such fulfilling and joy-filled work. And I have my friends and family members who I interact with. Of course I interact with your mother, I interact with my mother's mother and father and my mother's brother Brian. And we all have a wonderful time talking and interacting.

[pause, then personal content]  

So thank you for your efforts today, Daddy. I hope you have a good rest of the day and we look forward to talking with you again soon. Take care, father. God bless.

B.H. God bless you, Isabelle. Thank you for coming and helping me today.

Isa. It is my pleasure, Daddy. I always look forward to talking to you. And I really look forward to the time when you come over here and we can spend as much time together as we want without ever having to cut things short. Have a great day, Daddy. I love you.

B.H. I love you, too, Isabelle. Bye-bye.

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