Welcome to Divine Love Messages
This website is a repository of messages which I have sought and received from Celestial Angels, friends in spirit, and spirit family members. Some mediums can more easily and more naturally receive messages from spirit but I have had to work at establishing communication and holding that communication over the course of a message (known as rapport, which many messages talk about). These messages cover this growth as well as speaking about more important topics which will be of interest to those people who are spiritually minded, are concerned with their soul, think about the afterlife and spirit world, or would like to know more about God, Jesus or other Angels and spirits. - Brian Holmes
What Are Divine Love Messages?
The Divine Love path is Christianity mended, returned to the form of Christianity that Jesus of Nazareth taught when he walked upon the Earth 2000 years ago. It makes more sense than the church-created Christianity that evolved decades and hundreds of years after Jesus' early death. His "word" became embellished, tarnished and distorted in many cases through conscious and unconscious changes to the original Gospels of the Bible.
In the early 20th century (1914) Divine Love was reintroduced to humanity through messages received from Jesus and other celestial spirits and transcribed by the pen of James E. Padgett. The messages feature confirmation of a rich and progressive afterlife where every human who has ever lived goes after they pass from Earth life. They also discuss how to get to the Celestial Heavens where you are closest to God, immortal and an angel. Jesus is and has always been the teacher and shower of the way to receiving the Divine Love.
A Little About Padgett and the Messages
In 1914, not long after his wife died, James Padgett longed to see if he could connect with her in the spirit world. Spiritualism was big at the time and he went to some seances and he did indeed hear from her at one of these. A medium at one of these seances also said to James that she sensed that he was mediumistic and that he should take pencil and paper and try automatic writing (which is receiving words from spirit and transferring them to paper).
He tried this and was successful, though for a long time he doubted whether he was actually receiving the words of spirit. Luckily he stuck with it and gave us some of the most important messages ever received. Padgett received around 2000 messages over nine years from his wife, his parents and grandparents, his friends who passed before him, but also, more importantly, from Jesus, all of Jesus's disciples and apostles, from saints, from prophets, and from many famous people throughout history.
The Messages Continue
After James Padgett passed into the spirit world, Jesus and the other Celestial angels continued to recruit other mediums to continue their effort at bringing the news of how to receive the Divine Love to more and more people. Dr. Samuels was the second Divine Love medium and to this day there have been dozens of Divine Love mediums of varying ability and prolificacy.
Here you will find links to the messages which I am going to organize by month and year. The first messages I have received were from the year 2014. It wasn't until 2018 that I decided to take the idea seriously.
Early August 2014 (Judith Holmes - Mom)
May 3, 2018 (James Padgett, James Reid)
August 15, 2019 (Judas Iscariot)
September 13, 2019 (James Reid)
October 8, 2019 (Mary Kennedy)
November 19, 2019 (Jess Holmes)
December 11, 2019 (Mary Kennedy)
December 12, 2019 (Jess Holmes)
January 5, 2020 (Judas Iscariot)
January 19, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
April 24, 2020 (George Washington)
August 12, 2020 (John the Baptist)
August 15, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
August 19, 2020 (Richard Feynman)
August 20, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
August 30, 2020 (George Washington)
August 31, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
September 9, 2020 (James Reid)
September 10, 2020 (James Padgett)
September 14, 2020 (Richard Feynman)
September 16, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
September 18, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
October 17, 2020 (Francis Bacon)
December 7, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
December 7, 2020 (Mary Kennedy)
December 14, 2020 (James Reid)
January 27, 2021 (Mary Kennedy)
February 7, 2021 (Mary Kennedy)
February 13, 2021 (James Reid)
April 7, 2021 (Judas of Kerioth, new 10/21)
Contact me at brian@divinelovemessages.com
Brian Holmes author website